I’ve been aggressively snacking between meals and all the nibbles are going undocumented. This bothers me because I want to have a better handle on my eats. I get frustrated because I don’t always have time to eat well so (excuses excuses) I just grab the easiest and fastest thing and shove it down my gullet between diaper changes, laundry, and all that jazz (the joys of motherhood I guess). But I want to be accountable for what I’m putting in my body. I used to take photos of everything I ate and that not… Read more >
September 23, 2013
avocado, chocolate, eggs, figs, justin's nutbutter, Kombucha, nutbutter, nutmilk, nuts, pancakes, peanut butter, potatoes, salmon, spinach salad, sunflower, sushi, the essential baking co
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I am bad about taking pics of my daily eats (like I used to) but I get requests for them more than the “real” recipes…so here are bunch of the quickie things I throw together on the regular. From last week… Millet with sautéed spinach, baked tofu & avocado I made the millet in the rice cooker, sautéed the spinach with sesame oil and tamari, and used Wildwood tofu. I made extras. I also re-made this salmon pasta, but in a HUUUUGE vat. Lots of veggies to use up? Throw them in! I… Read more >
September 19, 2013
avocado, banana, chocolate, coconut, eggs, figs, fish, goat cheese, mexican food, millet, nooch, nutbutter, oatmeal, pasta, peanut butter, salmon, shrimp, the essential baking co, tofu
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Parties all around this weekend! And lots of driving to get to them all! This was the only thing I took a picture of on Thursday. Clearly it was the highlight of my eating day (the highlight in the non-food realm was Peyton Manning scoring a million points for my fantasy team). Dove dark chocolate is crazy good. My mom gave us two bars as a part of a wedding anniversary present and I had been saving them…for what I don’t know. I wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I did though. … Read more >
September 10, 2013
avocado, big salad, chocolate, clif bar, dave's killer bread, eggs, fish, mexican food, peanut butter, potatoes, salmon, seitan, tempeh, udi'srestaurant review
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Don’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “good”. That’s one of my favorite phrases. We could all do well to remember it, which is why I’m posting it here. I get questions and comments all the time about foods that I show on the blog or use in recipes that are/are not FODMAPs friendly. I’m not perfect. I try to eat a low FODMAPs diet most of the time and I do pretty well with it, but I definitely eat things that I know are FODMAPs. Sometimes they are things I know I hardly react… Read more >
August 17, 2013
beans, clif bar, eggs, peanut butter, pretzels, tempeh, the essential baking co, udi's
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Back to the flatbread! Are your tomato plants going bonkers yet? Mine is just on the cusp of it. So far, just a modest steady stream. A handful or so every couple of days. It’s cool though. I got a late start planting my garden due to our move. But I have neighbors and coworkers with gardens and they are hooking. it. up! Remember when I was pregnant and wanted all things tomato? To be clear, I’m not pregnant. But I do think that the tomato cravings lingered around. Same with my love affair… Read more >
August 15, 2013
goat cheese, nutmilk, peanut butterrecipe
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