
Outside eating weekend

We had such awesome weather this weekend (status quo for Nor Cal, but still worth noting) so we really made the most of it.  Lots of outdoor time!   Friday morning started with Earth Butter-ed toast and a fried egg. <— yup, that’s a bite mark out of the toast For lunch I had a big salad with greens, quinoa, carrots, tomatoes, and peanuts with peanut soy dressing.  Since I finished off the rest of the PB I just made the dressing in the jar.   I broke up P and his girlfriend Sophie for… Read more >

Love salads [win an iPad]

I love salads.  Old news right? I’m in a major salad phase.  I crave big bowls of greens.  I crave cookies too, so don’t think I’m a total freak.  But yeah, I can’t get enough veggies lately. This Caesar was one of my more creative ones.  For the most part, though, I just wing it. I get lots of questions about my salad combos, but the truth of the matter is I just throw everything from the crisper drawer into a bowl and top it with whatever proteins are leftover (tempeh, tofu, hard boiled eggs,… Read more >

Little food secrets

Here’s a dirty little secret.  I cover up one corner of toast in 99% of my photos because they have one bite taken out of them already. I don’t know why, but I always take a bite out of the bread before I put it in the toaster.  What can I say…I’m special.  Or I lack patience.  Either way it doesn’t make for a nice photo, so I always manage to cover it up with another piece of food or crop it out of the photo entirely.  My first breakfast is above (GF toast with… Read more >

OMG worthy vegan Caesar salad

Whenever I get a recipe out in real time it’s because it was so good I can’t not share it immediately.  I basically dropped everything (except my son of course) to write this post. Now THIS is what I’m talking about! I rarely put much work into lunch.  It’s my quickie meal of the day.  I throw together whatever.  Dinner is the meal I spend more time on, prepping and planning. But this was a very worthwhile exception. Sure it took a bit more work.  But actually, not really. To me, the 90s were all… Read more >

No Label Zone

I love blogging. I love sharing my food, my recipes, (some of) my life…all that stuff…but there are parts of it that aren’t my favorite. The judgment and unsolicited opinions aren’t so awesome. Some of the time it can be helpful (and I do try and self-reflect on such comments), but there are other times when comments are intended to be mean and nothing else. When I started HHH, I was in a different place. The blog was only about me so I really didn’t care what others thought (I’m me – take it or… Read more >