
Bombizzle mix and MIX1

I won’t burst into Annie’s theme song, but it’s definitely a relief to see the sun again.  Caffeine + froth = a hop in my step Oddly enough, I started feeling iffy again half way through this HUGE mug, so I curbed the coffee and set my sights on the next meal. I guess meal isn’t the right word, but apples need no justification. Blogging and random dilly-dallying (cooking, emailing, erranding, etc.) around the apartment took up the majority of my morning, and pretty soon noon rolled around and I needed sustenance. I added the… Read more >

Don’t call it a comeback

Top of the morning!  I finally woke up today feeling like my normal self.  Stomach woes be gone.  Thanks for all your well-wishes throughout my sick days week.  Even though I woke up at 8, I decided to go back to bed because extra zzzzz’s are invaluable when I’m in recovery mode.  Plus, the apartment was cold, our internet connection was down, and the warm down comforter was calling my name.  Excuses, excuses.  Needless to say, I was ready to get my brunch on when I finally did get up.  Enter Justin’s maple almond butter. … Read more >

Days that start with the letter “s”

Saturday was a work day.  F to the U.N.  Packed nom-noms are some of the usual suspects, as well as some new members.  Carrots, salad, apples, bars, and a baggie of goodies.  Tummy-wise, I felt a little bit better, but certainly not great.  In the non-transparent bag: almonds, carob chips, raisins, pistachios, cashews, and pretzels. This Belle Bananas Foster flavored 18 Rabbits bar was another winner.  I’m not usually a banana nut fan, but this may be the bar that changes that.  It’s oaty, with good breakability, perfect level of sweetness, and reminds me of… Read more >

Nursing back to health

I feel like I need to play catch up.  As I mentioned in my eco hippie post, I was a bit ill the other day, so my pics were pretty boring.  Here’s a queasy stomach tutorial: First, drown yourself in tea… Then, slowly make your way through as many different carbs as you can get your hands on… Natural antioxidants don’t hurt either… (Thanks to the POM fairy, Ryan, I am stocked for a while, too – score) Mid-day napping is practically a given…on top of several hours in front of the t.v. (i.e. Top… Read more >

Marching on…

I would just like to say how awesome it is entering the subway at 5:45 am in darkness and reemerging to a glorious sunrise.  Light in the morning!  Can I get a hell yeah? Anyways, here are my eats, pre-packed and ready for the trek to the hospital… Apples, salad, carrots, hummus, and bars (PB&J Dipped MoJo bar, Super Protein Odwalla bar, and the latest PranaBar flavor to rock my world).  In zee salad: spinach, steamed brocc, zucch, sesame/seaweed salad, and dried cranz. My feelings about the Cranberry Goji Supercharger PranaBar cannot be masked.  Effing… Read more >