
A full lunch hour

This morning’s subway commute was eerily empty.  It always creeps me out a bit when there is nobody else in the car with me.  But then, I guess it’s better than being packed in the train like a can of sardines… Munchables for the day: Apple, dried papaya/pears, 365 spelt pretzels, PB&J dipped MoJo bar, Honey Graham Z bar, and un ensalada enorme. Work was nice and slow.  Happiness!  I love it when I get a full hour lunch break.  I enjoyed each and every bite of my packed eats. I even got off work… Read more >

Stuffed (in the hole)

I recently discovered this oh SO Delicious Coconut Milk Creamer.  I am cray cray in love with it, and since I now add it to my java on the daily, I felt the need to shout it from the rooftop post about it, too.  No soy, no dairy, no fat, just pure vegan yumminess with french vanilla flavoring to boot.  FYI, I usually flavor my coffee with NuNatural’s vanilla extract, but since my stash is nearly gone, this discovery couldn’t have come at a more perfect time.  This morning I slept (wayyyy) in, but eventually… Read more >

Would Miss Manners serve house guests nooch?

Are you getting tired of me working so much?  I hope the packed lunches aren’t too boring, but whatcha gonna do, right?  Today’s lunch eats included tupperwared kale chips and a salad, DOS manzanas, a buncha bars (Clif’s Z bars and Odwalla repeats from yesterday), and dried papaya spears/pears. As I headed out on my lunch break today, I saw a pretty fantastic sight (these things tend to occur outside the Emergency Dept).   Picture a homeless Caucasian man (60-ish years old) in a wheelchair rocking a black baby back and forth, and bouncing it up… Read more >

Zucchini pasta weekend

If I had to design a perfect birthday weekend, I definitely wouldn’t include two days of work.  Unfortunately, my boss didn’t agree.  I guess I can’t really complain about it though, since I just got back from a week vacay in CA.  I was totally prepared with a buncha pre-packed food. Fruit, of the dried persuasion, included mango and pear slices, as well as a strawberry chewy-thingy (Nike race freebie), while fresh fruit was limited to a smallish apple.  I also bar-ed it up with the Blueberry Crisp flavored Clif, and a Cashew Cookie Larabar. … Read more >

Home sweet home

I am back in CA!  YEAH!!  But before I get to the fun I’m am having on the West Coast, I will quickly recap my few days leading up to coming here. I worked on Tuesday, so I made sure to get to bed early before midnight on Monday night (I don’t like yawning through codes thankyouverymuch).  So, as I was dozing off Monday night, my phone rang so loud and abruptly, I bolted upright nearly shocking myself into SVT (cardiac talk, no worries).  Who the eff would text me past midnight??  By now, my… Read more >