mexican food

Mexican Layered Dip

Because (a) I’m without Windows Live Writer (still learning how to get XP on my MacBook), (b) I’m not very savvy with wordpress’ blogging tool, and (c) it’s taking me an hour to load each photo, I’m going to post another photo recipe from last weekend. It’s not like I reinvented the wheel with this one (the recipe is certainly not original), but the photos are pretty and I thought I should share. (Vegetarian) refried beans Black beans. Sour cream. Corn roasted salsa. Four cheese blend. Black beans. Avocado. More avocado. Salsa. Devour. I made the… Read more >

Dinner in P-town

After a full day of driving (11 hours to be exact), Kyle and I arrived at our hotel in downtown Portland just after 5 pm.  He was ready to pass out, but I wasn’t going down without a fight workout and vegan meal in me first. I dragged (to the fullest sense of the word) my poor fiancé to the hotel gym for a measly 20 minutes on the elliptical.  It wasn’t all bad, though.  Thanks to the Ts in every corner of the workout area, we were able to enjoy the Spain vs. Germany… Read more >

Taco send-off

Oh hey, I know I said my blogging schedule would be jacked up with this NYC trip, but I guess I lied.  Thanks to Virgin’s power outlets I was able to use my computer for longer than 35 minutes (no lie, that’s seriously how long my laptop lasts sans power cord).  Anyways, you can thank Richard Branson for this (semi) timely post. Wednesday started with an anxiety ridden soccer game, followed by a fruity celebration. ‘Twas nearly patriotic.  Red, white yellow and blue.  Sorry Landon Donovan, next game day I’ll get my act together. The… Read more >

World Cafe

I mentioned it at the end of my last post, but for those who find my writing boring are here for the food porn, I’m proud to say we are now officially Santa Monica residents!  We won’t move in until August (due to our travel-intensive July), but it is nice to know that we are no longer homeless. After signing our lease, we decided to explore the neighborhood…one thing led to another…next thing we knew we were on our second drinks at the World Cafe happy hour.  Not too shabby. Did I mention we now… Read more >

The Natural Cafe

It’s a rough life – enjoying good food, good celebrating, good(ish) soccer and more in Santa Barbara, and the fun just keeps on coming… The day after my sis’ graduation we woke up bright and early to go on a hike.  Our friend took us on the Cold Springs Trail in Montecito.  The fact that we managed to escape without any poison ivy (I was a tank-top and shorts wearing daredevil idiot) was a semi-miracle.  It was a fun, leisurely 1 1/2 hour hike with great views.  Afterwards we lunched it up at The Natural… Read more >