Sometimes I get bummed out when I realize over the course of the day I’ve basically eaten nothing but toast with Earth Balance, bananas with nut butter, and crackers with hummus. In large quantities. These foods are delicious and healthy, yes. But inspired? Not so much. Which is why this simple but different lunch made me so very happy. I got rainbow chard at the farmer’s market and decided I had to use it in more ways than just a salad (or sandwich ingredient). I’ve done both of those things with it already, but… Read more >
March 21, 2013
Daiya, food should taste good, hummus, Mary's Gone Crackers, mexican food, nooch, nutbutter, potatoes, tempeh, waffles
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I feel like this is what every third trimester soon-to-be-mom says at some point, but to hell with the cliché. I HAVE NO MORE ROOM. Ugh. I’m so full and it’s depressing that it’s not from food. Ok, that sounded bad. I don’t mean I’m depressed that my son is a big healthy baby – that makes me very very happy. What I’m bummed about is that I cannot honor my voracious hippie appetite in the way that I’m accustomed to doing. I wanna freakin’ chow down and it’s just uncomfortable. Lame. So much for… Read more >
January 4, 2013
almonds, avocado, big salad, chocolate, Daiya, dates, eggs, field roast, kind bar, Mary's Gone Crackers, potatoes, seitan, spinach salad, trader joe's
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I was going to call this sights unseen, but I took photos, so obviously it CAN be seen! Here are a few things that didn’t quite deserve a spot in the two-a-day challenge, but were still worth sharing. Snack of vegan and gluten free champs. Mary’s Gone Crackers and Daiya cheddar wedge. Runner up snack: La Boulange bread with avocado and salt. Dad showing his Sabra love. Balsamic Brussels (for the Christmas Eve caroling party). My parents’ freezer (aka proof of where I get my OCD tendencies and caffeine addiction). They’re Peet’s devotees, particularly… Read more >
December 29, 2012
avocado, brussels sprouts, chocolate, crunchmaster, Daiya, eggs, Mary's Gone Crackers, mexican food, oatmeal, sabra
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Laziness continued. Coffee. Coffee. Fruit. Coffee. A perfect Sunday morning (“morning” being used loosely since I slept in a LOT). Random fact: I really love fruit salad but I never make it because I like it when it’s already at least a day old. That means I have to plan ahead so I get the exact level of oxidized fruit. I also think that bananas are the essence of any good fruit salad. That’s why I made this salad the night before. It had apples, strawberries, pineapple, blackberries, and bananas. If it… Read more >
May 22, 2012
avocado, chocolate, field roast, hummus, Mary's Gone Crackers, peanut butter, quinoa, sabra, silk, soy milk, sushi, trader joe's
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Is there anything better than a long weekend? Yes. And that’s a long weekend house dog sitting here. With sunny weather, golf course views, and a well stocked fridge, there’s no reason to venture further than the community pool. Agreed? We drove down to San Juan Capistrano on Thursday evening and stayed through Monday. Some friends joined us for part of the time. We cooked. We ate. We drank. We relaxed. The weekend may as well be titled “blissful nothingness”. It was perfect. When we first arrived, the priority was dinner. That’s what 3 hours… Read more >
May 21, 2012
almonds, avocado, bbq, beer bread, big salad, blue diamond, earth balance, field roast, hummus, joy the baker, Mary's Gone Crackers, potatoes, quinoa, sabra, silk, so delicious, soy milk, spinach salad
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