

Happy Hanukkah peeps!  I’m actually a gentile myself, but the hospital I used to work at in NYC was a Jewish hospital, so I’m totally down with Judaism.  Lightlife’s Smart Bacon is both vegan and kosher, FYI.  Just sayin’ It’s also salty as all hell, which is not great for blood pressure, but makes for one tasty a$$ dish.  Bad cardiac nurse.  Shhh…don’t tell on me.  The idea for this dish came while I was home last weekend browsing through my mom’s Bon Appétit mag.  There was a bacon and brussel sprouts dish that caught… Read more >

Eighty five candles

Saturday was my grandma’s 85th birthday. Well, technically it’s not until later this week, but it was her birthday PARTY at least.  I hope I’m blessed with her genes because she doesn’t look 85 at all!  Am I right or am I right?  To celebrate, my Aunt and Uncle hosted a party at their house in Laguna Beach.  Naturally, our family gatherings include lots of fun and good food, so I’ll share some of the highlights. G-ma, Auntie Wendy, me, Mom Hazel Food From left to right: vegetarian lasagna, warm ciabatta bread, turkey lasagna, salad,… Read more >

Marching on…

I would just like to say how awesome it is entering the subway at 5:45 am in darkness and reemerging to a glorious sunrise.  Light in the morning!  Can I get a hell yeah? Anyways, here are my eats, pre-packed and ready for the trek to the hospital… Apples, salad, carrots, hummus, and bars (PB&J Dipped MoJo bar, Super Protein Odwalla bar, and the latest PranaBar flavor to rock my world).  In zee salad: spinach, steamed brocc, zucch, sesame/seaweed salad, and dried cranz. My feelings about the Cranberry Goji Supercharger PranaBar cannot be masked.  Effing… Read more >

Crack is wack!

Is it really March already?  I’m so glad that NuNaturals’ vanilla stevia is back in my life.  Coffee is definitely my drug of choice, but this stuff is incredibly addicting.  It’s like super-crack.  Nothing like adding crack to another stimulant.  So, I was seriously buzzzzzzed as I headed to the gym.  Yes, oddly enough, I went to the gym today, and in the AM no less!  I haven’t been feeling the gym much lately, but I was really pumped today and decided to get in some cardio while the iron was hot. How cool are… Read more >