After spending time relaxing in Monterey, we packed back up and headed down south…off to Santa Barbara! I was driving so my personal hand model Kyle snapped this picture for me. I thought we could forge ahead without any detours, but we hit some serious traffic so a stop in San Luis Obispo for lunch was very necessary. As good as it is, Strawberry Serenity Kombucha does not a meal make. What is Mondeo? I’m still not quite sure… As far as I could tell the restaurant had meal concepts (for lack of a better… Read more >
June 18, 2010
avocado, big salad, chickpeas, Indian food, Kombucha, mexican food, naan, tofu, tortilla espanola
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When I last left off, we were getting brewskies at the Sierra Nevada Taproom & Restaurant. There are several cool (hippie approved) things about Sierra Nevada that you should know: In their fermentation tanks, living yeasts convert the malt sugars into alcohol and CO2. The type of beer produced depends on the strain of yeast and the fermentation temperature profile. So basically, the entire area smelled like nooch. I love me some yeast 🙂 Natural bottle conditioning is one of the signature features of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. They produce more bottle-conditioned ales than any… Read more >
June 9, 2010
cereal, greek yogurt, Kombucha, raisin bran
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After a fun weekend+ getaway in Chico, I am back in L’town for a hot second, before heading off to Monterey and then Santa Barbara. Can you believe we have already put over 1,000 miles on our new car! Summer break 2010 continues… But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. We didn’t actually head to Chico ‘til Sunday because the Saturday before was a friend’s birthday. Since our schedules are more wide-open than Lindsay Lohan’s, we stayed in the Bay Area an extra day to help him celebrate (by which I mean drink heavily… Read more >
June 9, 2010
hummus, Kombucha, pitas
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After saying goodbye to this: And saying hello to this: I LOVE YOU CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about feeling like I returned home. Everything feels right in the world now. Seriously. There is no other way to describe it. I just feel like – at long last – I’m back to the city where I am meant to be. Kyle and I have been running all around So Cal, seeing friends, organizing our lives, buying a car, frequenting the WF hot bar, frequenting Starbucks, and y’know, just vegging out. Oh, did I mention the WF hot bar?… Read more >
May 18, 2010
bbq tofu, beans, edamame, falafel, hummus, Kombucha, lentils, pitas, quinoa, WF tofu
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This post is super old but I didn’t have internet for the looooongest time…let’s back track a few days: Kyle and I were up at 6 am to do some last minute prep work before the movers arrived. Naturally a run to the ‘bucks was in order. Once 9 am rolled around, the movers arrived and we sat back and watched the magic happen (wow!!). Talk about perfecting their craft (I’m taking the liberty of describing moving as an art form – if you’ve ever done a big one, you will agree with me on… Read more >
May 16, 2010
chickpeas, Kombucha, soy milk, Starbucks, tofu salad, WF tofu
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