
Like a carry-out

*Post’s title courtesy of my lover, JT (and due to the fact that I ate several meals out this weekend). Apparently I just can’t get my blogging self together on the weekends (or when the weather is nice).  Sooo, Happy (belated) Easter!  And now for a quickie recap of the last couple of days… Saturday The AM can be summarized pretty briefly:  Starbucks, shopping, more shopping, and (finally) lunch at home. So far all the Gardein products I have tried have been fresh (not frozen) ones, so making the meat-free buffalo wings was my first… Read more >

Such a tease

This Monday was especially painful because the sun was radiating into my patients’ rooms all day long.  It was heavenly, but I was stuck in the hospital.  So it was agonizingly beautiful.  Such a tease!  At least I had good food to enjoy on my lunch break… Bars, apples, baggies, tupperware.  Fabulous. In the tupp:  spinach, seaweed salad, carrots, broccoli, and pepitas.  To the people who asked, I sometimes make my own seaweed salad, but this one was store bought (you can see a different salad of the same brand here).  Occasionally they have them… Read more >

Ode to the in-laws

It’s no wonder people are scared of their significant other’s parents; with movies like Meet the Parents, in-laws get a pretty bad rap.  Fortunately for me, this stereotype couldn’t be further from the truth.  I just got back from a weekend+ getaway with Kyle’s family and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be joining his family than if they were the sole heirs to the Whole Foods chain.  Not only are they amazingly accepting of my vegan lifestyle, but they go above and beyond to accommodate it, to the point of straight up spoiling me!… Read more >

Stuffed (in the hole)

I recently discovered this oh SO Delicious Coconut Milk Creamer.  I am cray cray in love with it, and since I now add it to my java on the daily, I felt the need to shout it from the rooftop post about it, too.  No soy, no dairy, no fat, just pure vegan yumminess with french vanilla flavoring to boot.  FYI, I usually flavor my coffee with NuNatural’s vanilla extract, but since my stash is nearly gone, this discovery couldn’t have come at a more perfect time.  This morning I slept (wayyyy) in, but eventually… Read more >

My neck AND my back

Remember that horribly inappropriate song??  Well, today I had an appt with an Osteopaedic MD who specializes in the spine.  I’ll get into the deets later, but rest assured, I’ll be making some changes so I don’t end up looking like this by my 30th birthday.   I started the day with coffee. Doesn’t that beautiful foam make you wanna dive right into it?  Flowers for Algernon is my latest read, btw, although my wait to see the MD was so short I didn’t even need it!  NYU Joint Disease knows how to treat their… Read more >