Saturday started with the ordinary: coffee, blog, tv, yadda yadda. Eventually I made a brunch platter (of the not so ordinary nature). Maybe carrots and apples seem weird for breakfast the first meal of the day, but it’s what I was craving. And if you think I had these without hummus, then you clearly don’t know me at all. I finished off the rest of the (just opened) tub with a 7 grain roll, followed by grapes. Nothing like 8 servings of chickpea heaven to get the day started right. After a hearty mug of… Read more >
April 26, 2010
almonds, avocado, big salad, carob chips, edamame, hummus, kale, oatmeal, odwalla bar, popcorn, seitan, smoothie, spinach salad, tea
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I won’t make you wait ‘til the end for this one…it’s GIVEAWAY time! Remember back when I showed you guys these cute Goody Green bags? They are especially cool because they go from the tiny folded up clutch (on the left), to the big carry-all (on the right), which is perfect for the spontaneous shopper. So say you go to Whole Foods thinking all you need is an avocado…and wind up with a basket full of $60 worth of groceries (just a hypothetical), if you have the Goody Green bag in your purse, it’s no… Read more >
April 8, 2010
big salad, carob chips, chocolate, dates, falafel, hummus, kale, smoothie, tofu
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There won’t be many pictures in this post because I was in the sun ALL. DAY. LONG. I can’t get over it. I took 4,601,546 pictures of cherry blossoms and dogwoods today. Literally. My computer nearly exploded with all the megabytes I tried to upload from my camera. Did I just use a techie term? Why yes I did. There’s hope yet. Anyways, here’s how I started the day – whole wheat sando thin with Justin’s maple almond butter and banana slices (along with unpictured javahhhh). I had a bushel of apples while taking the city… Read more >
April 5, 2010
almonds, Amy's, carob chips, dried mixed fruit, kale, nutbutter, pretzels, smoothie, tea, thai food
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*Post’s title courtesy of my lover, JT (and due to the fact that I ate several meals out this weekend). Apparently I just can’t get my blogging self together on the weekends (or when the weather is nice). Sooo, Happy (belated) Easter! And now for a quickie recap of the last couple of days… Saturday The AM can be summarized pretty briefly: Starbucks, shopping, more shopping, and (finally) lunch at home. So far all the Gardein products I have tried have been fresh (not frozen) ones, so making the meat-free buffalo wings was my first… Read more >
April 5, 2010
almonds, avocado, bbq, big salad, carob chips, falafel, hummus, kale, Kombucha, nanoosh, pitas, quinoa, smoothie, soy milk, soy nuggets, spinach salad, Starbucks, WF tofu
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I won’t burst into Annie’s theme song, but it’s definitely a relief to see the sun again. Caffeine + froth = a hop in my step Oddly enough, I started feeling iffy again half way through this HUGE mug, so I curbed the coffee and set my sights on the next meal. I guess meal isn’t the right word, but apples need no justification. Blogging and random dilly-dallying (cooking, emailing, erranding, etc.) around the apartment took up the majority of my morning, and pretty soon noon rolled around and I needed sustenance. I added the… Read more >
March 17, 2010
almonds, carob chips, dried mixed fruit, hummus, kale, nutbutter, nuts, potatoes, pretzels, smoothie, squash, Starbucks, tea
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