Anyone see the latest Modern Family? Well, whether you did or didn’t, you’ll be happy to know that veg friendly foods are getting major shout-outs on sitcom TV as of late. In addition to the aforementioned episode highlighting kale as the new “it” green leafy veggie, a few weeks ago seitan was featured on Parenthood. Hooray for making vegan cuisine more mainstream!! One giant leap for vegankind… On that note, I finally got around to making a dish I’d been toying with brainstorming for a few months (yes, months). Vegan Creamed Kale Ingredients: kale, 4-6… Read more >
March 8, 2011
kale, nooch, nuts
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And all that mushy LOVE stuff. Right? 🙂 Truth be told, I’m pretty neutral on the whole Valentine’s thing…love it, hate it, love to hate it, whatever! I think it’s cliché either way you look at it. Side note: I used to think Valentine’s was so lame, so for the first two years that Kyle and I were dating I wouldn’t go out with him on the 14th because I just felt so hypocritical changing my tune once I had a BF. This year, I consciously requested the day off of work, but I still… Read more >
February 14, 2011
avocado, cereal, chia seeds, chickpeas, coconut, dried mixed fruit, greek yogurt, kale, nutbutter, nuts, oat bran, oatmeal, quinoa, raw, spinach salad
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Arame. Welcome to the first day of Alphebruary. [In case you missed the description of this month’s little game, see this post] Arame is a species of seaweed. I’ve used it to make seaweed salads before (as well as wakame), but seaweed is something I often forget about until I am at a sushi restaurant. It’s ridiculously easy to make, which is why it immediately came to mind when I was brainstorming “A” words for the first day of Alphebruary. So tonight I was set on making a delicious seaweed salad centered around arame. Here… Read more >
February 1, 2011
kale, seaweed, seitan
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When I get behind in blogging, I tend to get overwhelmed and as a result meals fall into the undocumented abyss. Sometimes I’m able to catch up, but sometimes I have to simply cut my losses and move on. I never want emptying my camera to feel like a chore, so I apologize. To the yummy food that misses it’s moment in the spotlight – I’m sorry. To you all for neglecting to share some mighty fine meals – I’m sorry. Alas, such is life. Forward we go! This weekend is already busy and it’s… Read more >
January 29, 2011
avocado, hummus, kale, seitan, tortilla wrap
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Is it just me, or does my coffee froth look like a person running? I could be going crazy. It’s entirely possible. It’s actually the more likely scenario. Still, I couldn’t help but feel like my morning coffee was sending me subliminal messages. I ignored them and went for a bike ride instead. It was AWESOME. Before hitting the road, I had a bowl of oats with a chopped apple. Don’t be deceived by the above photo, though. This batch of oats was anything but average. I bulked up the 1/2 cup rolled oats with… Read more >
January 25, 2011
almonds, coconut, dates, kale, nutbutter, oatmeal, peanut butter, vegan cake
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