
back into the (vegan) swing of things…

I slept in like a mo-fo today.  Guess the day full of flying and the changes in time zones, etc. caught up to me, and I just needed to get in the zzzzz’s. I started the day like I always and silk…while I opened my accumulated mail. Coupons, coupons, and and more coupons (and another wedding invitation). Then I got crackin’ on breakfast. I went old school with my oats.  Straight up.  Nothin’ fancy.  Sometimes I just crave the simple things in life. That held me over pretty well, but I may have had… Read more >

plane snacks and reviews

You KNOW I packed tons of GOODIES for my 14 hours day of traveling… Sammie #1 (TJs hummus, dried cranz, and spin on the end piece of bread) Sammie #2 (the same HLC as above, minus the heel piece) Above: 2 HLC sandos, dried cranz, edamame, apricot Clif bar, blueberry crisp Clif bar Below: dried fruit mix, TJs spiced chai tea, plum (unpictured apple) Sunday AM: Rain. BART. Checked in. Sprinted across SFO like I was trying to qualify for London 2012. Boarded.  Taxi-ed on the runway for 30 hours.  Arrived in Chi-town. Sunday PM:… Read more >

BWE (part 1)

Could stand for several things…best weekend ever, perhaps?  Or Bachelorette Wino Elaine?  I don’t even know where to start after such a fun filled weekend.  Friday was my friend Elaine’s bridal shower followed by a weekend getaway in Calistoga for her bachelorette party.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here are a few.  If you have no interest in the commentary, scroll away. After lunch on Friday I collected my energy and hit the road for a 1/4 marathon.  It was way more uphill running than I anticipated but I finished… Read more >

Homeward bound

I got a car at 4 am to Newark airport.  Nothing like being awake when it’s still pitch black out.  Btw, my ride to the airport cost $87!!!  Normally, I’m a public transportation girl all the way, but I called a car the night before (since it was so early and I wasn’t about to try to hail a cab to take me to New Jersey at the godly hour I was awake)…they could pave the road in gold charging fees like that!!  I’m still in shock. I brought these Raw Revolution samples on the… Read more >

Good morning upper west siders

Yeah, too bad I don’t live on the East side…then I’d be a true gossip girl.  Riiiiight.   I was in a barista kind of mood this morning 😀 Froth machine + silk + truvia + cinn = the best coffee EVER! Even better?  I had the day off, AGAIN!  Plus I am going home on Thursday for a girlfriend’s bridal shower/bachelorette weekend, so I’m beyond excited.  California sunshine here I come… PB Puffins and an apple to get the day off right.  Somehow I wound up talking on the phone (mostly with my mom)… Read more >