In true Sesame Street style, today was sponsored by the colors GREEN and ORANGE. I didn’t realize it until I was posting these photos, but there’s a real trend going on in my eats from today. Breks was caffeine and fruit. After the booze infusion that was this weekend, I was thinking of doing something detox-y, but then I remembered that my normal eats ARE mostly just that. So, onward ho! I was happy to get back to my froth love. Coffee just isn’t the same when I don’t get my own non-milk stevia on. … Read more >
July 14, 2009
Alvarado Street bread, avocado, dried pineapple, hummus, Kombucha, potatoes, soy milk, spinach salad, turkey spread, veggie "cheese"
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What a FUN weekend trip to the west coast. And by fun, I mean booze-filled. I was drunkface this weekend, and now I feel like I’ve been dragged home from CA. I arrived on Friday afternoon, and before I knew it, Sunday morning came and I was heading back to NYC. This is the view from the world’s smallest plane hang-glider I was forced to take to and from SFO. All the Xanax in Britney’s purse couldn’t have calmed me enough for this. Propellers? Uhhh…I prefer the JetBlue air buses, thank you very much. Has… Read more >
July 13, 2009
almonds, falafel, hummus, nutbutter, odwalla bar, peanut butter
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This morning I woke up before 7 am sans alarm (???). I tried to get back into REM, but my body wasn’t having it. Oh well. I did have a few errands to run, so I washed & brushed and headed out… By the time I got back to my apartment it was 7:15 and I had already tackled 2/3 of my day’s to-do list!! Then I looked down at my outfit. Note to self: do NOT leave the apartment when you’ve had less than 5 hours of sleep…I looked like some disastrous combination of… Read more >
July 10, 2009
avocado, big salad, dried mixed fruit, dried papaya, dried pineapple, hummus, Kombucha, tortilla wrap, veggie "cheese"
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At the risk of sounding insensitive, is anyone else really sick of all this Michael Jackson coverage? I loved the king of pop just as much as the next person, but excessive coverage has come and gone…at this point, it is borderline hideous. What ever happened to just having a moment of silence to show your respect? Rather than undergo 20 minutes of channel flipping to avoid the aforementioned topic, my tivo (aka Kathy Griffin) came to the rescue. As did Starbucks’ gazebo blend 🙂 Can I help it if I crave sweets for breakfast? … Read more >
July 8, 2009
Alvarado Street bread, avocado, beans, big salad, chickpeas, dried pineapple, hummus, Kombucha, mexican food, peanut butter, Starbucks, veggie "cheese"
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Wuddup sissy-poos? What’s crack-a-lack-in in the blog ‘hood? If the title confuses you, here are the latest trilogy of events in my life: I worked 3 days in a row, tried 3 new bars, and downed 3 bottles of Kombucha. I’m pretty sure I left off with my pre-packed eats for Sunday’s workity-work, which almost satisfied me, but needed a little supplementation at lunch time. Enter Grape Kombucha!! Caroline, you were right, this one is divine! It totally reminded me of popsicles on a hot summer day. Too bad I was on my lunch break… Read more >
July 7, 2009
big salad, chickpeas, dried mixed fruit, dried papaya, dried pineapple, edamame, hummus, Kombucha, odwalla bar, quinoa, seitan, spinach salad, tortilla wrap, veggie "cheese"
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