
Cancelled plans, One Lucky Duck

Were you all on the edge of your seat over today’s lunch surprise?  :)  Probably NOT since it’s no secret I’ve been after these elusive PB&J Larabars forever!  These were NOTHING short of perfection.  I have no clue how they do it, but these bars truly do taste just like peanut butter and jelly sammiches.  Even the smell when I unwrapped it took me back to my school lunches from back in the day.  I’m in love.  Good thing I bought a few…these babies were harder to track down than Bin Laden (but much more… Read more >

Keep Calm and Carry On

This is a mantra I rely on heavily at work…so you can imagine my excitement when I discovered they sold these historic posters (obviously I bought one).  You can read about the history here, but basically, I use it to keep me from freaking out when patient’s are about to code, or I’m racing frantically to get them to a stable state, pushing IVs and slapping defib pads on the patient…you know…day to day things. I bought the large poster, and they sent along a mini-card too (above) which subsequently went in my wallet to… Read more >

B is for…

Blueberries?  Banana?  Bruno?  Blogging?  Take your pick. My java was full of frothy love – I hearted it (literally).  Even though I woke up at 7:30, I remained one with the sheets until 9, which meant that I was a hungry hungry hippie when I finally got up. Not the kind of breakfast I usually go for, but my tums was grrrrrowling, so I knew it needed to have some staying power.  This beautiful bowl included cinnamon-raisin-almond granola, fresh blueberries, and frozen banana slices.  I love the way milk coats frozen fruit and makes a… Read more >

Happy-ending salad

I’m in a sassy little mood, hence the non-PG title.  You’ll see what I am referring to with today’s dinner…(I hope?) But first, I’m going to rewind to Sunday night.  Because of the ree-dik bus ride back from Atlantic City, I was too lazy upload photos…so sorry for the delay…I know you all were on edge waiting for me to reveal the night’s eats, right?  Well, don’t get too excited, I had a pretty lame-a$$ meal. On the left: broccoli salad, shredded carrot, and tofu scramble.  On the right: steamed veggies with avocado.  ZOOM you… Read more >

I love Lucy

And fruit.  And cooking.  And cooking delish vegan food for non-vegans.  This weekend I was able to enjoy all of these things.  So much to say!  Let’s back up to when the fun began…Friday. I was craving fruit like nobody’s business. No really. I think I made my point, yes? Kiwis are so sexy!  They are one of the prettiest fruits, I think.  So after I digested my fruit baby 😉 Kyle and I packed our bags and peaced out.  Greyhound tix in hand, we boarded the bus…Atlantic City baby!!!  My enthusiasm lasted all of… Read more >