

Here are just a few lessons I learned that were reinforced today. 1.  I crash and burn without my “me time” (aka days off).  Feel me K? I was in a beezy of a mood all day today (come to think of it, I’d say I’m going on day 3 now).  Even one of the male (read: unobservant) NPs on the floor noticed and asked me point blank what was wrong, and told me I seemed down.  Shoot.  So much for my poker face.  He then asked me if I was “chemical” which was so… Read more >

Nursing on my day off

“Please put on your own oxygen mask before assisting another.” In nursing school, they taught us we had to take care of ourselves before we could take care of others.  Sometimes, I forget that advice, and sometimes, it just isn’t possible.  Last night my ailing fiancé went to bed really early (we’re talking before the sun), and since he was thisclose to hacking up a lung, I stayed in the living room.  I could hear him coughing all night, poor guy.  Anyways, that (and several other issues) prevented me from getting a proper night sleep. … Read more >

Zucchini pasta weekend

If I had to design a perfect birthday weekend, I definitely wouldn’t include two days of work.  Unfortunately, my boss didn’t agree.  I guess I can’t really complain about it though, since I just got back from a week vacay in CA.  I was totally prepared with a buncha pre-packed food. Fruit, of the dried persuasion, included mango and pear slices, as well as a strawberry chewy-thingy (Nike race freebie), while fresh fruit was limited to a smallish apple.  I also bar-ed it up with the Blueberry Crisp flavored Clif, and a Cashew Cookie Larabar. … Read more >

A sweet birthday (and a present for you, too)

Yes, there is a giveaway at the end of this post.  And yes, it’s sweet.  But before you get to that, you have to endure my birthday ramblings.  First of all, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who wished me a happy birthday the other day.  It was so amazing to be bombarded with your lovely comments – I definitely felt the blog love.  My coffee was feeling it too. I woke up with a huge grin on my face.  Hmmm…that’s odd, who in their right mind is thrilled to be older?  (whatever…I’ll go with… Read more >

Little Miss Sunshine

Looks like I brought the sunny CA weather back East with me, huh?  Let’s hope it lasts. My camera died mid-lunch prep, so only 75% of my pre-packed eats are shown below. Ellie’s presents came in handy with my lunch prep.  First up, the Tokyo Seaweed Salad, which I chose because I had extra Arame seaweed to use from yesterday’s lunch. I mixed the rest of the arame (on the left) with half the Tokyo Seaweed salad and added it to a fistful of spinach.  I added raisins after the photo because it looked too… Read more >