A little background: Kyle’s parents are fabulously open-minded when it comes to food. My veganism has never been an obstacle when dining with them, and has in fact been embraced with open arms. It’s always a blast eating with them. Whether we are feasting out or cooking in, they go above and beyond to make sure there are delicious vegan options available at all times. Much to my delight, they kicked off 2011 with the Daniel Fast, a plant-based eating plan (combined with the spiritual component of prayer). After 21 days, the results from this… Read more >
February 5, 2011
avocado, beans, hummus, quinoa, seitan
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When I get behind in blogging, I tend to get overwhelmed and as a result meals fall into the undocumented abyss. Sometimes I’m able to catch up, but sometimes I have to simply cut my losses and move on. I never want emptying my camera to feel like a chore, so I apologize. To the yummy food that misses it’s moment in the spotlight – I’m sorry. To you all for neglecting to share some mighty fine meals – I’m sorry. Alas, such is life. Forward we go! This weekend is already busy and it’s… Read more >
January 29, 2011
avocado, hummus, kale, seitan, tortilla wrap
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That would be the night shift. Oy. Why do they all go crazy when the sun sets? Why?!? That’s my attempt at taking a picture of the full moon. Mighty fine camera skills right thurr. As ridiculous as last night was (and trust me, it was plenty ridiculous), I made it home in one piece to curl up on the couch with a new Gossip Girl episode (finally!). And whatdoyouknow, this post seems to be making semi-sense, too (thus far…). Compared to Amy Winehouse, I have my sh!t together. Yesterday started the same as any… Read more >
January 26, 2011
butternut squash, cereal, granola, hummus, nuts, oatmeal, peanut butter, potatoes, spinach salad, veggie "cheese"
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If I told you I’ve been blasting the new Britney Spears song on repeat for most of the day? You probably should. It’s not exactly brilliant in the lyrics department. It’s catchy, but overly repetitive. At least it inspired me to make a new running mix…which inspired me to go on a run…which made me feel like a million bucks for the entire day. Chain reaction a la B. Spears. This morning started with a late wake up. Unlike yesterday’s garbage truck fiasco, this was the perfect way to enjoy my morning off. Then I… Read more >
January 12, 2011
almonds, carob chips, Daiya, granola, greek yogurt, hummus, nuts, veggie "cheese"
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Many of you have expressed interest in a post dedicated to how I prep for the week. I have been reluctant to do this (read: lazy) because, quite frankly, it’s a ton of work…taking pictures throughout the process would only add on extra time…and that’s not even including the posting part. Today, however, I felt inspired. Here’s a brief look at my process of getting things organized. Goals: Chop raw vegetables Roast squash/potato/vegetables Make tofu/seitan Make quinoa Make Kyle something (lasagna or pasta in bulk) Miscellaneous dish (“tuna” salad, crock-pot stew, chewy oat bars, etc.)… Read more >
January 4, 2011
big salad, bragg's, butternut squash, coconut, dried mixed fruit, hummus, potatoes, quinoa, root veggies, spinach salad, squash, tofu
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