
New and Tender

Guess what finally opened!!! Tender Greens’ new Santa Monica location!  I have been waiting for this for quite some time (remember last week when I tried to go and it wasn’t open yet?).  While I was thrilled to learn that it was opening this past weekend, I was sad that it happened while I was away in NYC. Naturally I made a beeline for the place as soon as we got back in town. 🙂 I took Kyle and my girlfriend Lauren with me. Lauren got the Harvest salad with Organic Fruit, Artisan Cheese, Local… Read more >


I worked on Saturday, so my Friday wasn’t really a TGIF kind of day.  To summarize the AM: cereal, bike ride, window shopping.  I had two Turlock multi-grain pitas with hummus for lunch and a veggie burger a la mode.   Hummus gone.  🙁   In terms of fizz KeVita < Synergy, in terms of calories it’s the reverse.  Flavor-wise I go back and forth.  Depends on what I’m in the mood for. Truthfully, all I wanted for dinner was quinoa drenched in Bragg’s liquid aminos, but I decided to up the nutritional profile of… Read more >


I got to work the other day and my name wasn’t on the assignment sheet.  Since I had worked the day before, I was sure I didn’t get my schedule wrong.  Done that before.  Then I saw my name way down at the bottom of the page… Elise – float SOU SOU?  After asking a few different people I found out it stood for surgical observation unit (basically the PACU for more stable patients).  Ok, I thought.  Something new could be fun.  But where is the SOU?  Nobody had any idea! I finally found out… Read more >

Making a salad a meal

Hi, I’m in a salad rut.  [never a bad thing]   As I’ve repeatedly blogged about, I’m a bit of a prep queen.  Whenever I know I have several shifts in a row, I make sure to prepare healthy and flexible food options ahead of time.  I hate coming home to an empty fridge (and after 12+ hours on my feet, I definitely don’t have the energy to start cooking a meal from scratch).  This week’s examples: Lentils & wheat berries.  [Soaking on stand-by] Veggies. [I always have greens, tomatoes, bell peppers, & carrots on… Read more >

12 miles/hr

Here’s a fun little “would you rather.” It’s pretty much the question that most Angelinos face on a daily basis.  Would you rather drive or ride your bike for 12 miles?  What if I told you the cycling route would be a guaranteed 60 minute commute, but you may or may not be in your car for 1-2 hours?  Welcome to my life. I chose the bike.   My parents are in So Cal this week to see all the new babies in the fam, so on Monday night they took us out to dinnah…. Read more >