greek yogurt

Everything-in-the-fridge salad

After such a crazy day of traveling, I was looking forward to sleeping in to catch up on my zzzs.  I had NO idea that by not setting an alarm, I’d end up snoozing half the day away!  I woke up at 11:30!  I don’t think I’ve slept in that much since my post college month year of “figuring things out.” Kyle and I stumbled out onto the couch still in a sleepy stupor…and made a huge pot of coffee to remedy that. Clearly I’m out of practice in the frothing department.  There was a… Read more >

Grassy-ass, AMAZING Grass

Wow, Saturday went from sunny and nice to rainy and gross in a matter of seconds.  Good thing my 10K was early!  I woke up at 7 am to get ready – and it was already warm and sunny out! I knew exactly what I wanted before the race… You see, a while ago I received a HUGE box of goodies from the wonderful people at Amazing Grass (thanks Brandon)!!! So I knew the chocolate SuperFood powder would be the perfect pre-race fuel.  I combined it with a shot of iced coffee (leftover from yesterday’s… Read more >

Readers make me happy, google reader does not

Today was one of those “breath, take a step back, and count to ten” kind of days.  Initially, I started my blog, as nothing more than a fun, therapeutic way for me to journal my attempt at living a healthy, semi-balanced life – including everything from gym time to cooking successes & messes, as well as my random thoughts and musings along the way…if others happen to enjoy reading, even better!  Now, I have grown to ADORE blogging, and it’s all because of you guys!  Who ever would have thought that sharing aspects of my… Read more >


I think it’s fairly obvious I’m not the most computer savvy person out there…but with the help of Sarah, Mara, and Caroline, I managed to make the much needed (and long overdue) switch to WordPress. Finally.  I have been putting it off forever, because the idea all these <?/.> things really really scare me. So now I can continue to sort it out while in Hawaii.  Am I a total freak for thinking vacation is the perfect time for a blog make-over?  Nothing screams relaxation like formatting and codes and DNS settings. Basically Thursday was… Read more >

Rain on my parade

I love summer Fridays because Kyle has half days…that said, it’s useless when the weather is this crappy. Nothing but gray skies and pitter patter all day long.  Boo hoo. Coffee – check! Kyle was a little noisy this morning, so I was up early (read: too early)…which is why coffee was froth-ified and breakfast was on the GRANDE side (as far as AM eating goes). I was craving fruit in a may-jerrrrrr way, so in addition to the plate heaped with pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, and grapes, I had a blueberry Chobz with raisins.…. Read more >