greek yogurt

One year old.

Wow.  Time flies when you’re having fun blogging about it.  It feels like just yesterday I stumbled across this amazing community of foodies and decided to begin a blog about my adventures in the vegan kitchen.  Who would have known the decision to write (almost daily) about my food/exercise/etc would have impacted my life the way it has?  I certainly did not. And yet, here I am, a YEAR later, with a ton of new friends, having tried food I hardly would have known existed a year ago!  Thank you to everyone who has ever… Read more >

NuNaturals NuStevia NuNeighborhoods

After working a few days in a row, I just wanted to sleep in ‘til noon today.  Unfortunately, my circadian rhythm wasn’t in on the game plan.  I was up and getting my caffeine on by 8. A few days ago, this lovely package arrived from NuNaturals, so I was thrilled to have a massive fake sugar free NuStevia filled cuppa-joe.  As usual, I brewed and frothed… Then, I added 3 drops of Vanilla Stevia to the Caffe Froth, and 1 packet of NuStevia white powder to the coffee.  Perfection.  No bitter after-taste.  Not too… Read more >

My latte brings all the boys to the yard

I have some catching up to do!  Rewind to Friday AM: It was as if Kyle timed his return from Brazil perfectly with my sunrise barista session.  As soon as the froth was poured, who came strutting through the doorway?  My long lost fiancé South American traveler!  His flight got in from Sao Paolo soopah early, so we got to enjoy breks together.  Figures his arrival would be perfectly timed with my cooking coffee. I needed caffeine before things start to click, so after one cup of java, I was AAOx3 (nursing joke, sorry). Fruity… Read more >

yankee doodle dandy

In honor of Julie, this weekend recap will be in yay/nay terms. Coffee – YAY Being so out of it I grabbed a second spoon even though there was clearly one already in the mug – NAY Berry good breks – YAY Sunny weather – YAY The Yankees suck – NAY Cool new stadium – YAY Vegan options fail – NAY 1125 calorie “fan favorites” – super NAY   Pre-packed dried fruit & nut eats – YAY Apple Pie Larabar – YAY Chocolate Amazing Grass smoothie – YAY Pomegranate Mango Amazing Grass shake – NAY… Read more >

New things

Even with a huge cup of frothy coffee, the morning still sucked.  After reading that Sarah decided it was time to bow out of the food blog world (darn creepers stalking her lovin family) I knew I needed something more substantial than my normal cup of joe!  So I dried my tears and busted out the blender. This Amazing Grass smoothie contained half a plain greek yogurt (Chobani of course), half a frozen banana, almond milk, and a chocolate-y packet of lawn shavings.   I stirred melon and dried cranberries into the rest of the… Read more >