granola planks


Before I get into the latest and greatest from the hippie kitchen, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who took the time to offer their thoughts on yesterday’s post.  The discussion certainly got more heated than I anticipated (and some comments were a bit harsh), but it was great to read how others felt about sharing your views with your family/friends.  Being brave enough to stand up for your beliefs while not pressuring others to feel guilty about having differing opinions is definitely a fine line…and it seems that many feel there’s a… Read more >

i need green

Sooo, I had to work this Saturday. Working weekends is usually kinda a bummer…but today was slow, so I didn’t really mind. I guess the crashing economy affects heart surgery too? I made my lunch the night before, and I tried something new. We were out of lettuce, and since I hate sandwiches that don’t have greens, I had to make do with what we did have. I used the remaining green peppers left over from the quiche and broccoli. Then I put the smart deli turkey on top of that. The sando was MASSIVE…. Read more >