follow your heart

The Misfit

I woke up Saturday feeling slightly nauseous.  It was rather unpleasant.  I actually felt a little sick when I went to bed Friday night, but I figured I’d just sleep it off…not the case.  Upon waking, I was instantly queasy.  [Note: I’m not pregnant] I had no appetite whatsoever (and nothing sounded good to me at ALL) and I even felt a little full from the previous day.  But at the same time, my stomach felt empty and hollow, like it needed something to cushion it from eating itself.  Apparently it’s possible to be both… Read more >


If I had to summarized Monday through Thursday in a single post…well…I can’t, so I don’t know how to end that sentence.  But, where I was going with that intro was to say my week has been packed and amazing. Highlights reel?  Sure, why not. Monday slash Tuesday I had night shift stuff.  The only thing of note food-wise was how many berries I consumed over the course of the day.  I have likely met my Vitamin C quota until October.  I also made a pita pie (for those of you who keep asking about… Read more >

Let’s break it down now

Oh night shift, how you disrupt my sleep cycle. How’s that for a cluttered night stand?!  The ear plugs are the latest addition to help with my daytime snoozing sitch.  Ugh.  Again, I slept minimally after noche dos of nursing.  Side note: I’m always hesitant to use that word when talking about night shift because I get weird google search terms…sorry to all the moms nursing their newborns all night long searching the internet for nursing related advice…only to click on my blog and not find anything helpful.    My packed food was perfection.  I’m… Read more >

Caprese Caesar Pasta Salad

There are a few things I rarely crave, pasta being one of them and cheese being the other. As you can guess, I’m not a very big fan of Italian food.  But chilled pasta salads are quintessential summer fare, and I’m all about welcoming June with open arms…and a vegan summer salad that is sure to please the masses. This dish was born out of my random desire to veganize a Caprese salad, which then got tweaked along the way, and morphed into a pasta dish with a Caesar salad twist.  My mind works in… Read more >

Missing in action

I’m sorry (but I’m not sorry) that I’ve been MIA this week.  Playing catch-up after being on vacay is a never-ending process.  When I haven’t been working or sleeping, I’ve been spending every single extra second with Kyle.  Absence does make the heart grow fonder, FYI. I also stopped taking photos of my food for a while because my camera couldn’t keep up with my appetite.  I’ve been doing quite a number on the fridge/pantry (it’s as if I arrived home from Europe and immediately felt the need to ravage our kitchen and make up… Read more >