
All aboard the magic bullet train

Remember all of the errands I briefly mentioned yesterday? FINALLY!  I know it’s no food processor, but I wanted something on the less $$ side to tide me over until next year when I hit the kitchen appliance jackpot we register for our wedding. I can’t even TELL you how excited I was to use this baby. Unfortunately, I worked all day (on a Saturday – boo!), so my mind was preoccupied by more pressing matters, but as soon as I was out of the hospital, my mind began racing with all the possibilities.  I… Read more >

Sabra Sunday

As you all know by now, Sabra courses through my veins like no other.  So you can imagine how excited I was last week to find out that THIS was going down on Sunday.  Sabra “transformed” Union Square into a Mediterranean Cafe…with samples upon samples upon samples of hummus!  Are you there God, it’s me Elise hummus queen?  K, if this isn’t reason enough to visit, I don’t think there’s anything more I can offer you? Here I am with one of my 6 free samples of classic hummus and Stacy’s pita chips.  They also… Read more >

Not my finest hour

I woke up at 6:50 am today.  FYI, my shift starts 7.  Uh.  Oops?  After having a mini-stroke, I got my butt in gear and hauled ass to work.  If there’s ONE THING you should know about me, it is this: I HATE CHAOS.  Odd, given my job right?  To be honest, I feel like it is actually this quality of my personality that’s one of the reasons I thrive in the ICU.  I think the constant drive to create order and stability works to my advantage in such an intense setting.  And yet, in… Read more >

12 hours of crazy

Propofol, propofol, so much propofol.  And yet, no amount seemed too much.  I’m not exaggerating when I say this: I gave BEYOND lethal doses of sedatives today, and my patient was still so resistant he spent 12 straight hours trying to extubate himself.  Boy was my patience on trial with this guy.  Fentanyl, Propofol, Methadone, the list goes on and on…and these weren’t ordinary does either…these were kill-Michael-Jackson-and-his-entire-kid-entourage-doses.  OK, sorry for the work rant.  I sometimes use this blog to vent, so I ‘pologize for the medical chatter.  Back to what I really love to… Read more >

Keep Calm and Carry On

This is a mantra I rely on heavily at work…so you can imagine my excitement when I discovered they sold these historic posters (obviously I bought one).  You can read about the history here, but basically, I use it to keep me from freaking out when patient’s are about to code, or I’m racing frantically to get them to a stable state, pushing IVs and slapping defib pads on the patient…you know…day to day things. I bought the large poster, and they sent along a mini-card too (above) which subsequently went in my wallet to… Read more >