
Memorial Day Bite-lettes

Monday holiday!  Hooray! It took this many cups of coffee to get me moving this morning… Ok, I realize this looks a bit like a scene from Intervention (before the person has recognized they have a problem).  BUT, in my defense, it was for both me and Kyle, and I often make extra (for PM iced coffees), so don’t judge. I frothed it up of course! My breakfast wasn’t exactly traditional, but boy was it TASTY! I forgot to mention how effing amazing these BITE-LETTES were last night.  I would DEFINITELY recommend them.  I could… Read more >

Weekend warrior

I’ll admit, I wasn’t thrilled when I found out my weekend to work fell on Memorial Day weekend, BUT, as it turned out, Saturday and Sunday weren’t too bad (considering I felt like the only person in Manhattan that had to work).  I guess that’s the effect warm weather has on me.  The unit felt beyond empty this weekend.  As in, I did 4 crosswords, as well as started and finished a new book.  Don’t worry, I managed to save a few lives somewhere in there, too… Anyways, I did pretty well with Maggie’s whole… Read more >

MY place

Workity work. I was up with the cock-a-doodle-doo this morning…I’m not sure why, but for the fifth day in a row I woke up at 4 am on the dot (without my alarm even going off).  Whatever.  I dragged myself to the subway, and woke up a bit more along the way… What’s there to say.  Work was work was work was work.  I was craaaazy busy all day, but not really in a good way.  I felt like I was in slow motion and I couldn’t get myself organized, which is so unlike me.  Blah. … Read more >

April (in Cliff’s Notes)

I don’t even know where to begin…this past week has been one of the most incredible times of my life.  Between getting engaged, visiting friends and family in Nor Cal and So Cal, my cousin getting married and my other cousin giving birth, it has been a fantastically memorable week.  Yes.  My only two cousins managed to coordinate the biggest events in their lives to overlap!!!!!!!!! My older cousin went into labor 5 weeks early, and ended up in the hospital on the night of the rehearsal dinner and gave birth to a healthy baby… Read more >

Un-lucky Irish

Happy St. Patty’s Day! I don’t have any morning pics because my computer crashed AGAIN, so now it’s in the hands of the geek squad…more on that later though. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss much. I had the usual coffee and a piece of toast with Earth Balance (approx. a mountain of it). I felt a little guilty chugging coffee knowing I was heading to the dentist’s office in an hour, but I got over it pretty quick (once I realized exactly how scary the zombie-like alternative was). I’m proud to report my dentist’s appt… Read more >