
An Ode to Whole Foods

How I love thee, let me count the ways… 1. Prepared foods bar As you are about to see, I’ve been going through a few obsessions.  Whole Foods makes it dangerously easy to slip into food ruts because each dish is better than the last and meals require no effort whatsoever (aside from determining if you want the Kirstie Alley size or the more moderate portion) because they are already prepared. Fumi Tofu Salad I was first introduced to this glorious dish back in my college days, when the Whole Foods opened in Westwood and… Read more >

Happa J’s

Before leaving Newport Beach to head up to the Bay Area, Kyle and I made a detour and headed down to San Clemente.  Some of Kyle’s fam live in the area so we spent a day with them relaxing at the beach. For dinner, we tried a Hawaiian inspired restaurant called Happa J’s. It was really nice and spacious with several rooms (the lounge, the main dining area, and the bar) surrounded by windows with a cool surf ambiance.  They brought us edamame to snack on while we browsed the menu. I decided on the… Read more >

LA Love

After saying goodbye to this: And saying hello to this: I LOVE YOU CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about feeling like I returned home.  Everything feels right in the world now.  Seriously.  There is no other way to describe it.  I just feel like – at long last – I’m back to the city where I am meant to be.  Kyle and I have been running all around So Cal, seeing friends, organizing our lives, buying a car, frequenting the WF hot bar, frequenting Starbucks, and y’know, just vegging out.  Oh, did I mention the WF hot bar?… Read more >

Jamie Oliver’s nightmare

As Kyle and I attempt to empty our fridge and freezer before moving, I have discovered both the pros & cons of pre-packaged meals.  Pro:  Mindless, easy prep (box –> plate? even a caveman Kyle can do that) Con: Stipation (where the greens at, yo?) Ok, we aren’t eating ONLY thawed sh!t… I still had some odds and ends that I pulled together for a salad, which included the raw One Lucky Duck Rosemary quackers I bought last week. I sampled a few with hummus and they were pretty tasty.  My only issue was that… Read more >

Bare basics

Are you ready for the basics?  I’m exhausted to a bare bones post is all I’ve got in me :(  Breakfast: Fruit & caf Snack: Cinnamon raisin bagel submerged in Earth Balance And a mug of tea and crossword a la mode… Lunch: Everything-in-the-fridge salad spinach edamame shitake mushrooms matchstick carrots cherry tomatoes corn roasted red peppers dried cranz Bragg’s liquid aminos (A LOT!) Snack: carrots & noochy hummus Ok, for some random reason, this batch of Cedar’s hummus doesn’t have much going on in the flavor department…which is odd considering it’s my #1 brand… Read more >