dried pineapple

How to cope with 15 degree weather…

Step one: buy a flight to Mexico Step two: there is no step two Yup, I just bought a flight to Cabo San Lucas for next week!!!!!!! Peace out snow. I know it seems lame, but I kept going back and forth if this trip was wise with all the crap I have to do to get the year started off right. But it’s hard to argue with a free flight and place to stay (my parents own the place and my Dad offered me his frequent flier miles). Hell YEAH! Only 6 days til… Read more >

elise navidad

First off – Merry Christmas!! HO HO HO…I reeeeally heart the holidays. Last night after I finished the blog, I totes finished off the dried edamame. Then Kyle called me and told me Santa had come to the apartment!!! SANTA!! I was confused, but then he told me to go look behind his laptop and whoa! Santa HAD come 🙂 Check out the stocking that Kyle (er, Santa) left for me…so sweet. I’m a pretty simple girl – crosswords, fitness mag, starbucks card, and gum…yep, that’s me!! I also got a package from K’s parents… Read more >

Pilates in the rain? Not so much

I got up early today (weekend early, not work early) to have a couple cups of coffee before I headed out in the rain.After getting a decent caffeine buzz going, I walked to Jess’ apartment to pick her up and we took the subway together to Union Square for a pilates class/fundraiser. It was a breast cancer event (after all, it IS nearly October) so everything had a pink theme. Clearly, I can’t pass up on anything pink, especially when it is for such a good cause, and it didn’t take much persuading to get… Read more >

flat screen, flat abs, flat food?

The weekend started off productive. #1 – I cleaned out my closet to donate bags of unworn (and no longer fitting) clothes for the salvation army#2 – Kyle and I finally bit the bullet and bought a 32 inch flat screen HDTV (sweeeeeet!)#3 – I did some cooking (and tried a new recipe)#4 – I dragged Kyle with me to the gym So, Kyle was with his student at Minds Matter in the AM, allowing me to leisurely sip 2 cups of coffee while doing the crossword…until 3 pm! (btw my coffee was starbucks’ blend… Read more >