dried papaya

Would Miss Manners serve house guests nooch?

Are you getting tired of me working so much?  I hope the packed lunches aren’t too boring, but whatcha gonna do, right?  Today’s lunch eats included tupperwared kale chips and a salad, DOS manzanas, a buncha bars (Clif’s Z bars and Odwalla repeats from yesterday), and dried papaya spears/pears. As I headed out on my lunch break today, I saw a pretty fantastic sight (these things tend to occur outside the Emergency Dept).   Picture a homeless Caucasian man (60-ish years old) in a wheelchair rocking a black baby back and forth, and bouncing it up… Read more >

Oven obsessed

I have literally been living at the office hospital.  And yet, somehow I have managed to churn out heaps of produce in the few hours I have been home.  Seriously, our apartment is where produce comes to die (death by baking anyone?).  Wanna see a few of my success stories (if you said no…well…tough sh!t).  😉 FINALLY!!  (I think kale chips have been on my to-make list for a year now).  It’s about damn time, Elise. Massaged with cooking spray, nooch, and salt (like, a LOT of salt), then baked at 350 for 10-15 minutes. … Read more >


Here are just a few lessons I learned that were reinforced today. 1.  I crash and burn without my “me time” (aka days off).  Feel me K? I was in a beezy of a mood all day today (come to think of it, I’d say I’m going on day 3 now).  Even one of the male (read: unobservant) NPs on the floor noticed and asked me point blank what was wrong, and told me I seemed down.  Shoot.  So much for my poker face.  He then asked me if I was “chemical” which was so… Read more >

Candle has nothing on my black bean pumpkin burgers

I had quite extensive pre-packed work eats.  Check out the holiday flavored bars I FINALLY tracked down.  I was soooo excited to try the Iced Gingerbread Clif bar AND the Spooky S’mores Z bar.  They were both excellent.  Sugary, but amazing.  Seasonal bars still don’t make up for the nast weather though.  For dinner, I decided to finally tackle a dish I’ve been wanting to make for a while now.  After seeing that Whole Foods started to carry Candle 79’s black bean pumpkin burger, I knew I wanted to make my own version.  Similar to… Read more >

Zucchini pasta weekend

If I had to design a perfect birthday weekend, I definitely wouldn’t include two days of work.  Unfortunately, my boss didn’t agree.  I guess I can’t really complain about it though, since I just got back from a week vacay in CA.  I was totally prepared with a buncha pre-packed food. Fruit, of the dried persuasion, included mango and pear slices, as well as a strawberry chewy-thingy (Nike race freebie), while fresh fruit was limited to a smallish apple.  I also bar-ed it up with the Blueberry Crisp flavored Clif, and a Cashew Cookie Larabar. … Read more >