

Monday had very little going on for me.  My bicycle (which was getting new gear switcher thingies) was finally done and ready for pick up, but aside from that I did little else worth mentioning. I started the day with another carob coffee concoction.  This time I added a tsp of carob powder to the milk during the frothing process. Turned out pretty well. Later on I had a big bowl of fruit, including two apples and some strawberries with cinnamon on top. I reread Skinny Bitch on Sunday night and it reminded me of… Read more >

Interview with a vegan

If you are wondering what a type A person looks like before a job interview, here you go: Prepping slash watching the seconds on the clock tick by.  SO nervous.  Keep your digits (all of ‘em) crossed for me.  After an hour of selling myself offering to give up my first born child for the job, I noshed on a colorful bowl of strawberries and apples.  It was still gloomy weather when noon arrived, so I felt like a warm comfort sammie.  Tempeh fakin’ bacon.  I bought this on a whim (and because it was… Read more >

Krav Magic

I went to bed sooo late last night because I was waiting for Kyle to finish his homework (yes, he has homework).  Too bad for me that didn’t end up being until 1 am.  I wasn’t too concerned because, hey, it’s not like I have a job or anything.  But instead of sleeping in and regaining those lost hours, I was up and at ‘em at 7:30.  😡 6 hours of sleep?  Meh.  Not bad, but not a routine I want to roll with all the time.  The early rise and shine did give me… Read more >

Social Light

This weekend was a reminder of why Kyle and I moved back to the West Coast.  No offense NYC, but when it comes to the weather and the social scene, California is where the party’s at!  I may be well out of college, but that doesn’t mean I’m an old fart (yet).  This weekend I was drawn to keg parties and tailgates like a moth to a flame.  I don’t mind a seedy bar once in a while either. But before I get to the brew-fueled festivities, let me back up to Friday. You like… Read more >