
Monday & Macaroons

Kyle and I celebrated our Valentine’s Day early.  We just used the holiday as an excuse to hit up a restaurant that’s been on our mind for a while.   Akasha is one of those places that has a menu for true foodies.  It’s based around fresh, seasonal, and local ingredients – with vegetable quinoa listed next to Niman Ranch beef burgers.  I love a diverse menu packed with yummy quality ingredients. Ok, before I get ahead of myself, I have to show you what my poor husband has to deal with on a daily… Read more >

Almond Curry Sautee

Oops!  I nearly deleted these pics before I realized I never shared the recipe with you guys!  Sorry for this long overdue post from a meal that I made two weeks ago. I always forget to use almond butter in savory meals because for some weird reason I associate it with sweet dishes.  Probably because I prefer sweet dishes.  Especially in my morning oats, which is when I most frequently reach for nut butters in general. Not this time! My parents were out for the evening (because they have a better social life than I… Read more >

Angelinos at Angelica

As Kyle and I headed to dinner on the eve of September 11th, the sky was illuminated with a beam of light where the twin towers once stood.  It was both eerie and inspiring and when I saw it I thought of each person who’s life changed that day.  I know that this post is from last week (and therefore old news), so I won’t share my reflections on 9/11, but it was a very patriotic weekend to be in NYC.  If there were a way to feel proud and somber at the same time,… Read more >

So…yeah or nay?

The combo of daylight savings and working night shifts allows for food photography with much improved lighting.  At least that’s the silver lining I’m choosing to embrace (as opposed to the fact that I lost an hour and then had to pull an all nighter).   If I had pendant lighting in the kitchen, this wouldn’t be an issue, but I don’t.  As a result, my late night food pics are sometimes lacking.  No matter what camera settings I use, there’s no substitute for natural sunlight.  So.  Yeah.  About that night shift… This So-Yah Creamy Coconut… Read more >

The Eves Before the Eve

Happy 2011 everyone!  I know I promised the giveaway winners today, but I’m not quite ready yet… Since I’ve been MIA for the past few days, I have some catching up to do first.  Even though I got the 31st and 1st off of work, I was still at the hospital for the rest of 2010.  And so before ringing in the New Year, I packed up my lunches as per usual. The above is what I call operation use-up-leftovers.  Chopped NutsOnline dried figs + golden delicious apples + quinoa seasoned with stevia and cinnamon… Read more >