
Beach priorities

  Last Friday I skipped my planned run to go to the beach.  It wasn’t really set in stone anyway…when I say “planned run”, what I mean is, “exercise session I got dressed for but then immediately changed out of.”  I’m not one of those people who pre-sets the week’s fitness plan each Sunday night.  Yes, I usually do something each day of the week, but I pretty much figure it out that day, depending how I feel in the moment.  I work 3 days a week, so on those days I stick to AM… Read more >

Camera purge

If there were any title more appropriate, I’d go with it, but this is really just a bunch of pics that have accumulated…and if they help give you ideas on healthy FODMAPS options, great.  If not, sorry for this post’s random nature.   Two recent recipes inspired this meal: Jenna’s veggie fried rice and Evan’s fried quinoa.  I make quinoa in bulk at the beginning of every week.  Without fail.  Some weeks I make two batches because I go through it so quickly.  I use my rice cooker, so it’s a completely mindless activity…as second… Read more >


Once in a while I get really into citrus.  You know where this is going right?   Yeah buddy! Composting your peels is great, but here’s an even better way to use them… Orangettes (v, gf) Ingredients: orange/tangelo peels (1 orange & 1 tangelo) dark chocolate (Ghirardelli’s Intense Dark Midnight Reverie 86% cacao) 1 tbsp sugar (NuNatural’s NuStevia pure extract) Directions: Peel your orange/tangelo.  *In case you’re not familiar with the tangelo, it’s a hybrid of a tangerine and a pomelo (or a grapefruit).  They have a tangerine taste, but are very juicy.  Tangelos also… Read more >


I have been completely lagging in showing off my work eats.  Packing up my food for the hospital is an art form, but it’s one I’ve perfected.  Blogging about them, however, takes more time and I’m always exhausted when I get home from 12+ hours on my feet.  And of course, there was the unexpected drive down to Newport Beach this weekend…so I’m definitely behind.  Not to throw excuses at you, I’m just saying, I have weeks of hospital food stored up.  How excited are you!?  Ha! Here what’s to follow: on-the-go meals that are… Read more >

Millecado and lollihop

I’m really obsessed with millet bread right now, which is a shame since it costs $6 a loaf. The best way to enjoy it is with avocado smashed on top. You really don’t need anything else, but if you’re feeling extra sassy, you can jazz it up with a squeeze of lime juice, dash of salt and paprika. As far as I’m concerned mille-cado is the next PB&J.  It’s a heavenly snack. For the people following the low FODMAPS plan, avocado does have trace amounts (it’s in the polyols category with stone fruits), but sources differ… Read more >