
A three-fer

Not meatballs. I should have made a bigger batch of these coconut macaroon things because Kyle ate half of them before I even tried one.   Work food.  Banana.  Carrots.  Macaroons. It would probably blow your mind to know how many carrots we go through in our little hippie household.  I eat half a pound a day, minimum.  If our fridge were bigger it would be packed with orange.  As it is, we have one crisper drawer solely devoted to those two pound bags (plural). Almond milk is another thing we seem to restock at… Read more >

DC: Identity Crisis

Let me first start out by saying, I’m not usually a good liar.  In fact, I have a pretty hard time holding a secret for longer than a minute.  Kyle has learned this the hard way, and as a result, he rarely shares top secret stuff with me (friends’ impending engagements, etc.).  I’m not a gossip, I just like sharing information!  Let that be a lesson to everyone.  So.  Backing up to Thursday.  Our flight was set to take off around 1 pm, so Kyle and I woke up early, ate breakfast, finished some last… Read more >

DC preview

Thursday through Monday I was in our nation’s capital.    Some of the highlights (full stories to come): 1. If anyone is traveling through LAX or DCA in the near future, you may see my photo posted on a wanted sign.  I broke bent the law and as much as I want to tell you all about it, I should probably speak to my lawyer before I post anything on the internet.  😉 Ok, I’m just kidding.  What happened was I forgot to bring my wallet with me – including my ID – and had… Read more >

Welcome to 5 stars

  At first glance, the L’Auberge hotel looks rustic.  But once you tour the place, you start to notice it’s all a facade.    With satellite TV (not that I wanted to watch the Kardashians on vacation) and high tech gym equipment (in the tower’s top floor) and multiple places to lounge around outside while connected to the hotel’s (free) wi-fi…I’d say it was the perfect balance of old and new for a relaxing vacation.   Kyle and I went to the gym 4 of the 7 days we were there.  Not bad! We ordered… Read more >

Gluten-Free Vegan Comfort Food

In reading this blog, there are at least three things you’ve probably come to know about me: 1. I love vegan food. 2. My GI system is whack. 3. I will never ever ever tire of reading/collecting/bookmarking cookbooks. This is my latest obsession. The thing about gluten free cookbooks, is they often have meat recipes.  And yet, many vegan cookbooks have wheat recipes.  So it’s pretty awesome that Susan O’Brien has written some cookbooks for both populations. I’ve drooled over every single page. I can pretty much guarantee you will too. Sweet potato biscuits?  Raw… Read more >