My breakfast was home-made bread (hence the poor slicing) with almond butter. I used up almost the very last bit of it, so I decided to make another batch of nut butter. This time with peanuts. Roasted peanuts to be exact. Deep down I think Kyle prefers peanut butter to almond butter. And we recently bought celery and Ritz crackers, which are two of his favorite things to pile with PB. Honey roasted peanut butter. Kissed with a touch of agave. I had to do some taste testing of the peanut butter,… Read more >
August 9, 2012
almonds, chocolate, eggs, juice, kale, lentil soup, nuts, peanut butter, the veggie grill
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This recipe still needs tweaking but it tasted great, so in the meantime, here’s how to make it. The lovely people at Suzanne’s Specialties took an interest in my FODMAPs experimentation…and sent me some products to try out. Rice syrup is a FODMAPs free sweetener that I’ve been meaning to try for a while. Usually I use maple syrup, but brown rice syrup offers a different flavor with a stickier, more honey-like texture. And it’s also organic, non-GMO, and gluten free so there’s no sacrifice whatsoever. So. About these little dessert cubes. They are based… Read more >
July 3, 2012
chocolate, peanut butter, suzanne's specialties, vegan cookiesrecipe
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I regret to inform you all that my recent absence was totally unavoidable… [Don’t read this next part if you don’t want to hear the dirty digestive deets] 1.5 days after I got back from Mexico I was knocked on my ass (literally) by Senor Montezuma. If you’re wondering why the onset of this Mexican bug was so delayed…welcome to my GI tract. I knew something was amiss the day we flew home, but it wasn’t until Friday that I was cursing my gut and running to the toilet every 5 to 30 minutes. So. … Read more >
July 2, 2012
chocolate, field roast, nutmilk, smoothie, so delicious, vegan cookies
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I woke up the other morning with the most extreme craving. It was strawberry specific, but we didn’t have any strawberries in the house. So I tried to make do with what we did have. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t great either. I don’t even really remember what went into this because I just kept adding things as I found them, but here’s what I do know it had: POM juice Amazing Grass orange dreamsicle almond milk frozen raspberries chia seeds ice Because I added so much liquid in the beginning, I… Read more >
June 19, 2012
chocolate, smoothie
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I’ve made pancakes more than oats this week. And if you don’t understand how huge that is, you don’t know me very well. Pancakes are just awesome. On the left: almond butter and bananas On the right: peanut butter/maple syrup and bananas Kyle’s been out of town, so I have been sleeping in, making big batches of pancakes and eating them while watching TV on my computer. So lazy. Aforementioned “big batches” last me until well after noon. So I figure if I’ve had a few courses of pancakes, it counts as breakfast AND lunch,… Read more >
June 4, 2012
chocolate, nutbutter, pancakes, peanut butter, real food daily, sabra, tender greens, trader joe's
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