This whole Lance Armstrong business really bums me out. I always believed his denials. I guess I just wanted him to be telling the truth about being clean so badly. I read his books way back when they came out and found his story so inspirational. I felt so bad for him when his medals were stripped. And now it turns out he was covering up illegal drug use all along. Sucks. Since I’m on the subject of random current events (and my reactions), what do you guys make of this new Girl Scout Cookie? … Read more >
January 16, 2013
big salad, chocolate, earth balance, granola, love grown foods, pancakes, quinoa, seitan, tempeh
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I feel like this is what every third trimester soon-to-be-mom says at some point, but to hell with the cliché. I HAVE NO MORE ROOM. Ugh. I’m so full and it’s depressing that it’s not from food. Ok, that sounded bad. I don’t mean I’m depressed that my son is a big healthy baby – that makes me very very happy. What I’m bummed about is that I cannot honor my voracious hippie appetite in the way that I’m accustomed to doing. I wanna freakin’ chow down and it’s just uncomfortable. Lame. So much for… Read more >
January 4, 2013
almonds, avocado, big salad, chocolate, Daiya, dates, eggs, field roast, kind bar, Mary's Gone Crackers, potatoes, seitan, spinach salad, trader joe's
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Well, I’m not in love with the number 2013, but oh well. 365 days of this odd number (it’s not prime, but it may as well be). Don’t worry, I have ZERO desire to list out resolutions for the new year. I don’t know about you but I hate that crap*. I try to (self) reflect and examine how I can improve my lifestyle throughout the year. January 1st is just another rabbit rabbit. Your body can’t tell the difference between this day and April 16th, so make good choices whenever you figure out what… Read more >
January 1, 2013
blue diamond, chocolate, nutmilk
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I was going to call this sights unseen, but I took photos, so obviously it CAN be seen! Here are a few things that didn’t quite deserve a spot in the two-a-day challenge, but were still worth sharing. Snack of vegan and gluten free champs. Mary’s Gone Crackers and Daiya cheddar wedge. Runner up snack: La Boulange bread with avocado and salt. Dad showing his Sabra love. Balsamic Brussels (for the Christmas Eve caroling party). My parents’ freezer (aka proof of where I get my OCD tendencies and caffeine addiction). They’re Peet’s devotees, particularly… Read more >
December 29, 2012
avocado, brussels sprouts, chocolate, crunchmaster, Daiya, eggs, Mary's Gone Crackers, mexican food, oatmeal, sabra
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You know what my LEAST favorite part about blogging is? Thinking of post titles. Seriously, I am depleted. After 4+ or whatever years it seems like there’s nothing left. So I always wait ‘til the end and then I sit there, waiting to hit publish, while I stare at “enter a post title” on the top of the page. Most of the time I go one of two routes – either super cheesy (like really lame puns) or super boring (like the name of a recipe). It’s a miracle if it’s remotely clever. But hopefully… Read more >
December 17, 2012
avocado, big salad, chocolate, Daiya, follow your heart, fresh brothers, justin's nutbutter, oatmeal, pizza dough, pumpkin, seitan, trader joe'sFODMAPS
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