
In the words of Erin…

The days of froth have returned.  The holidays are all about decadence right? My morning cups of coffee have been quite elaborate as of late.  I think the cold weather brings it out.  This one was less than 50% coffee.  The rest was cocoa powder, stevia, coconut milk “creamer” froth, and a partridge in a pear tree candy cane.  YUM-AY I also had a cup of Chai tea.  In case you haven’t noticed, I’m obsessed with Chai tea lately.  It probably has more to do with the way it warms me up than anything else… Read more >

Flashback (to) Friday

Please disregard how delayed my posting is…as this post is clearly from last Friday.  What can I say, this weekend was a crazy one! Festival ‘o Lights started today…oh the things I know from living in NYC working in a Jewish Hospital.  Why are there so many ways to spell Hanukkah?  Very confusing religion.  Shocker of all shockers.  I passed up my usual dose of caffeine this morning and instead opted for a huge cuppa cocoa.  I’m getting to be a bit obsessed with this beverage.  I’m not sure if it’s because Christmas time and… Read more >

Back in action

It takes just one full day of my regular hippie eating to get me back in the swing of things.  Today was perfect.  I started the day with foamy coffee and a massive bowl tupperware of oats.  Explanation behind the use of tupperware?  Well, I had planned on making overnight oats for work the previous day, but I completely forgot about it in the morning.  (It’s already a challenge for me to transport my regular pre-packed lunches, so adding another tupperware was the straw that broke the camel’s back my backpack) Forgetting the oats worked… Read more >

Fact or Fiction

Fact: I could wash down dirt with foamy coffee and still be happy. Fact: Spending 15 minutes trying to fix a broken toaster can lead you to dark places.  Good thing God invented peanut butter for such moments. Fiction: A microwave is just as good as a toaster anyways. Fact: Apples + cinnamon = the perfect fall snack Fiction: Taking a cross-town bus after coffee and fiber loading is a smart idea. Fact: Bathrooms aren’t abundant on the Upper East Side. Fact: In terms of pita pockets, there is no such thing as TOO stuffed…. Read more >

Old, New, Orange, ‘Fu

Sunday offered nicer weather than Saturday, but I still wanted warmth in my belly for breakfast.  What to make, what to make…french vanilla SO Delicious coconut milk coffee, followed by the world’s thickest bowl of pumpkin oat bran.  You would think this would fill me right up, but I was hungry again just a few hours later.  I slept in, though, so it was well past noon, and I set to work on lunch. Cubed ‘fu rubbed in cornmeal and paprika, tossed in a skillet, and sizzled to death.  Pretty snazzy for a recipe on… Read more >