Well the post title says it all, doesn’t it? The letter of the day was “e” and so I chose to hack up an eggplant. I was trying to make fries, but they came out a bit on the mushy side, so I feel like a phony passing them off as such. Frites they were not. All I did was chop up the eggplant into matchstick shapes (aka “fries”). Then I did a little shake ‘n bake with Lawry’s seasoning. I believe this photo accurately sums up my ghetto fabulous method. Then I lined them… Read more >
February 6, 2011
Alvarado Street bread, avocado, eggplant, seitan, tortilla wrap
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A little background: Kyle’s parents are fabulously open-minded when it comes to food. My veganism has never been an obstacle when dining with them, and has in fact been embraced with open arms. It’s always a blast eating with them. Whether we are feasting out or cooking in, they go above and beyond to make sure there are delicious vegan options available at all times. Much to my delight, they kicked off 2011 with the Daniel Fast, a plant-based eating plan (combined with the spiritual component of prayer). After 21 days, the results from this… Read more >
February 5, 2011
avocado, beans, hummus, quinoa, seitan
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When I get behind in blogging, I tend to get overwhelmed and as a result meals fall into the undocumented abyss. Sometimes I’m able to catch up, but sometimes I have to simply cut my losses and move on. I never want emptying my camera to feel like a chore, so I apologize. To the yummy food that misses it’s moment in the spotlight – I’m sorry. To you all for neglecting to share some mighty fine meals – I’m sorry. Alas, such is life. Forward we go! This weekend is already busy and it’s… Read more >
January 29, 2011
avocado, hummus, kale, seitan, tortilla wrap
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Hello 1-1-11! So nice to meet you. I know you will be bringing me 365 days of joy. Before I dig in, though, allow me to share how I dined on the last day of 2010. Chico, California has a fairly decent hippie population so I wasn’t too surprised when our brunch on the 31st at Cafe Coda had delicious vegan options aplenty. In addition to the two huge french presses (see above), we ordered champagne for the whole table. It’s never too early on New Year’s Eve right? I got the Veggie Masterpiece which… Read more >
January 2, 2011
avocado, potatoes, tempeh, tofu
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Check out my dinner! Vegan waffles made from scratch :) The recipe is so hearty and delicious (and also top secret), you may or may not recall why…but I’ll get back to that later. For now, breakfast. I suppose this could be seen as a parfait of sorts. On the bottom: pumpkin oats with 1/2 cup pumpkin puree, 1/2 cup whole rolled oats, NuNaturals liquid stevia, and Tropical Traditions shredded coconut. On the top: vanilla greek yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon. I managed to take a picture of my snack, too. I pretty much eat… Read more >
December 29, 2010
avocado, butternut squash, chocolate, coconut, dried mixed fruit, greek yogurt, Kombucha, oatmeal, spinach salad, squash
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