A few fruits, like grapes and melon, give me reflux trouble. It’s not that I can’t eat them, it’s just that I have to eat them alone, stay upright afterwards, and not exercise. Cantaloupe is one of the main culprits, but I think I found a way to work around it.
Ignore the color, this was awesome.
It was also crazy healthy – packed with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats!
See that green powder? That’s the latest item to join the hippie kitchen.
Um. Whoa.
What I like about this Antioxidant Omega-3 Natural Greens powder is:
- the berry flavor hides the green-ness of the blend
- it’s stevia sweetened which means you can add it to smoothies (without another sweetener)
- it has 2600mg of organic flax & organic flax lignans per serving (hello ALA omega 3 fatty acids!)
- it is small and mighty, packing major health benefits for it’s serving size (ie antioxidant properties, alkalizing pH balance)
- the probiotics and enzymes help with digestion
I’m pretty sure it would be good in oats, too (I can’t wait to continue to experiment more). This smoothie had a blend of frozen tropical fruit and fresh cantaloupe and it was fabulous. When it comes to cantaloupe, any way to get that sweet juicy flavor without the reflux is a win in my book.
The cantaloupe in this work meal was eaten for breakfast, but I had to stop after half way through because I sensed my tum was reaching it’s max. So weird. I think smoothies may be my method of choice from now on.
This salad was really really random. Leftover smorgasbord with squash, broccoli slaw, seitan, shrooms, and who knows what else.
And here’s everything all together! Salad, hummus, carrots, apple, dried fruit, roasted almonds, dehydrated apple rings, cantaloupe.
What’s your favorite smoothie add-in? Favorite melon? I like honeydew the most, but it’s not good unless it’s overly ripe. Otherwise it’s hard and flavorless. This was the first time I used fresh melon in a smoothie and I really liked it. I also love adding spinach and kale to make green monsters.

I love cantaloups but also very ripe honey dews and the classic – watermelon, maybe boring, but tasty 🙂 And Santa Claus Melon is pretty good too…I just love melons! Sprinkle them with cinnamon and I eat the whole thing in a minute 🙂
I need to have a banana in smoothie and some berries. And a grated ginger and carrot.
This morning I tried the frozen mangos from Trader Joes in a smoothie with banana, almond milk and vanilla protein powder. So creamy and delicious!
I never really eat smoothies (I guess I don’t like the texture?), but I do eat a lot of B-fast “parfaits,” they always seem to contain yogurt (doesn’t bother my stomach) with whatever fresh fruit is in the house, cinnamon and a chopped up gnu bar (This is an awsome combo, crunchy, sweet, chewy, creamy… it has it all! Except for hummus that is 😉 ) Maybe you should give one a try!
I think greens are my favorite smoothie add-ins, though I also like to add plain instant oats after it’s done. Totally weird, I know, but for some reason I love the texture, and it gives it a little extra staying power.
We almost never have melon in the house—I love honeydew, though. And watermelon of course.
love cantelope! for some reason I never buy it, though. weird. I think that needs to change!
glad you found a way to get your fix 🙂
I love cantaloupe in smoothies!! Since I tried it I’ve really wanted to see what honeydew would taste like — I’m betting it would be delish. I always add spinach to my smoothies and adding frozen berries makes a delicious cool purple treat
I’m sad for you that you can’t eat some fruits… but glad you figured out a way to work some melon into your life again! Score!
i think anyone who reads my blog knows how i feel about melon – CANTALOUPE!!!
What a bummer about the tummy troubles! 🙁 I love putting frozen bananas and spinach in my smoothies! My favorite melon is definitely cantaloupe. My grandma always used to poke holes in it and squeeze lime juice on it for us! It is really good!
I love cantaloupe if its a good cantaloupe, you know? I’m really picky about my melons! I’m allergic to watermelon and apparantly another weird yellow, oblong melon I found in the grocery one day without a label. I ate half of it for breakfast, and then went to school. Yeah, that wasn’t a pleasant morning.
I use honeydew in my smoothies as well. I think it’s the best fruit base for a smoothie, but strawberries and bananas are favourites as well. That seitan always looks so yummie!
Yum, the cantaloupe smoothie looks wonderful. My favorite melon is watermelon and Vitamineral Green for a smoothie add – it’s a bit earthy tasting, but blends well with fruit and packed with super foods.
I LOVE really ripe cantaloupe and I’m totally with you on the overripe honeydew, it’s the only way to eat it!
love adding spirulina to my smoothies!
Ummm I LOVE cantaloupe!! Definitely want to try a cantaloupe smoothie now 🙂
Oddly enough, I don’t think I’ve ever used melon in a smoothie! I happen to have just bought a mondo cantaloupe, so I’ll give it a try.
My favorite smoothie add-in is frozen mango chunks, particularly in combination with hemp protein and vanilla.
Blended cantaloupe? I’ve never even thought of that. I’v e added watermelon to smoothies before, but it never really does much for me. I’m going to have to check out that powder, too.
Wow, cantaloupe is delicious, and that smoothie looks awesome! I love your food so much – that schmorgasbord salad looks divine 🙂 xyx
Mmmm melon! I definitely love that juicy, summery watermelon! I’m more of a berry girl though. I was always intrigued by honeydew melons because I didn’t know they were melons, I just knew my mom referred to the list of things she wanted my dad to do as her “Honeydew List” and I didn’t get it.
So glad you eat weird looking stuff! My boyfriend thinks I’m nuts when I think gross-ish looking things are delicious.
mango and vanilla pro powder have such s synergistic effect!
truth. you are the cantaloupe queen!!