Initially I was planning on starting my SIBO protocol right after the wedding ended. But I realized I needed to get myself all set up for a successful 30 days with food prep, which I obviously didn’t get to do this weekend. So now I’m using the week to ramp up to it. I’m going to get shopping done, plan out meals, and then next weekend I’m going to try to prep a bunch of stuff…but then I am going to wait until after the 4th of July to start. My bestie Jess is coming to stay with me for a few days and I don’t think it’s wise to start a strict GI regimen right then. So instead I’ll be giving this a go after that visit. Plus, I have a huge stash of chips and chocolate to finish off before then.
Rise and shine! Monday morning came on cruelly fast thanks to our late bedtime (I was up doing laundry and housework because that’s what happens when you’re away).
These pancake mongers ate quickly and after a brief amount of calm time we went to open gym. P has been on the same dose for over a week now so while I don’t love going to immediate vigorous activity post-dose, at least his body is very well adjusted and desensitized to the current amount. [We skipped up-dosing last Friday because it was rehearsal day]
See? Told you. Chips for days.
I went back for more and more because salt is sooooo addicting.
He fells down the stairs 10 minutes before the rehearsal but fortunately the shiner didn’t show up until Monday. Phew! Not that photo shop couldn’t take care of it. Made a good story though. Silly kid.
After naps they played outside and snacked. They’re latest love is seaweed. We went to swim at a friend’s for a bit and then came home to make dinner. I was going to have Kyle grill but the kids wanted me to prove that I knew how to grill to them and basically forced me to do it. Kyle got home early thinking he was grilling, but got to play with them instead while I got myself al smoky outside.
But I did it! And it was great. 🙂
I cooked the asparagus in the microwave (seasoned with oil, salt and pepper) because I couldn’t keep my eyes on the oven inside while grilling. I figured the micro was easier and I was right. Also, bless the inventor of the rice cooker.
I use this guy every day and don’t know how anyone lives without one.
His above and hers below.
Basically I went rice-less because I was trying to get in grain free mode. I’m not actually sure if I’ll go grain free for 30 days (most likely I will not), but I am dipping my toes in just to see.
Kyle had cake – almost done with the one I made him last week. And I had a decent chocolate spread. I went back for more candied ginger. My love affair with ginger is back in full swing. In it’s heyday I think I ate a cup or so a day, so it’s maybe not THAT strong again, but I find myself craving it lately.
Ginger and chocolate are definitely a winning pair. Which is good because I have a bit more chocolate to finish off before I begin my GI reset!

Looking forward to reading about your stomach reset and the foods you will be eating.I enjoy your blog and have for awhile now.
You know I thought I had SIBO and was going to go through the whole herbal journey and I recently found a doctor at Weil Cornell( I live on the upper east side). Interestingly enough he did some very sophisticated tests and wants me to work for free with a dietician group that his patients can use for free through a grant. The dr is amazing–very holistic bent–and I have changed things in a few weeks. The dietician not so much. I know more then she does with all my reading and reasearch. This has been life changing. I even learned some new things regarding the FODMAP diet and when it really is not useful. Too much to expose here, but I think we have a very similar situation so if ever give me a holler happy to share info it’s how we heal. Btw, we were out last evening and I was showing my husband/bff your blog pics of the wedding and it’s so funny bec my husband runs a big company and is so 🙄🙄 from my blogs, but you are like an old friend. He was laughing how many years I have been following and how you started my whole journey. It’s so funny I remember you from your ny days. Funny how the internet makes the world so small and we get to interact with such heartfelt, beautiful souls like u. We are very private people and guard our family privacy so I so respect that about you but you share enough to make your warmth and love felt. 🌈
Oh my gosh I wish I could pick your brain about your treatment and shadow you. Ah the perks of being in NYC still…
Email me if you have a chance about any details you care to divulge. I could chat GI stuff for eh ver!!!!
You can email me at my email and tell me where I can email you back privately if you wish and if not I understand. I am extremely respectful of people’s privacy because I am fiercely private. I have so much GI info from the doctors I have seen at Columbia Presbyterian GI Center and now Weil Cornell. I am so happy my husband pushed me to go this last time. I had been with a holistic MD for a time, but stopped several years ago. I finally have several answers and a whole new life plan and have never felt better. I also thought I had SIBO and thankful I didn’t doctor it because my symptoms might have appeared as so, but I don’t and I cleared up symptoms pretty quickly. And as you know I am out and about a lot as well as travel quite a bit.