Breakfast lunch and dinner

What is your favorite brand of English muffins?

I like the cinnamon raison ones by Ezekiel but I’m about to finish them off and wondering if I should try another kind.

For a brief second I considered making my own, but it looks too complicated, so don’t even bother telling me to go ahead with it. I don’t have time for much bread baking these days.

I’m not a big fan of Thomas’, which is all I had tried until the Ezekiel ones (which is the reason I didn’t know that I even liked them much at all).

I suppose once you add a puddle of salted butter to anything it gets good though. 😉

For lunch I made a grain bowl. I actually made three servings worth, which only involves a little bit of prep (cooking the farro, making the dressing, and washing/chopping the kale).

After that I combined them all together, along with slivered almonds and dried cranberries.

I wait until right before I’m eating it to add the cheese and candied nuts part.

Even when I fill the BIGGEST bowl I own to the brim, I still manage to eat it all in 3-4 servings. In this case, it was three. It’s so good!!

For dinner I roasted sweet potatoes and Brussels, while Kyle grilled steak.

I needed three baking sheets to fit everything and then I realized I didn’t have enough shelves in the oven! Whoops! I should have planned ahead better, but I didn’t get back from a family bike ride in time to pre-heat our second oven, so I had to roast the veggies in two sessions.


This is definitely my idea of a perfect dinner. I have been pushing our grocery budget a ton lately, but considering we have SO LITTLE to enjoy right now, I am trying to be ok with some splurging. Also, I keep having to remind myself that our kids are growing and it’s unrealistic to expect our expenses not to reflect that increase in their appetites. Our family eats a lot. It is what it is. We don’t spend on much else, though, so…whatever…

No matter what happens, I will forever spend money on chocolate.

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Comments (6)

  1. Stephanie

    Hi, just a curious question: your wonderful attempts at reducing plastic waste are noticed and applauded, however I notice you line your pans with foil for every roasting you do. Any thoughts on reducing that waste?

  2. Devon

    I just realized I have never tried the Ezekiel English muffins. When it comes to my favorites, I really like the whole wheat English muffins from Whole Foods, but I don’t get there as often as I’d like. Sometimes when I do get there, they are out! However, Dave’s Killer Bread just came out with their own English muffins that are pretty good and easier for me to find locally! Ingredients for both are way better than the Thomas brand!

  3. Elise (Post author)

    YES! You are so right…it is something I have gone through phases of trying to eliminate. For a while I was so good about just using oil or cooking spray. But the truth of the matter is kinda embarrassing, which is that cleaning them after is a serious pain and sometimes after washing a million dishes all day long, by the end of the day I just want to use foil and toss it to save myself a bit of work. But you are right to call me out. I have gotten so frustrated with myself for all the plastic I’ve been forced to use during this pandemic because we can’t bring our own containers or use our own bags or buy things in bulk anymore…everything is pre-packaged in plastic and it’s like all the progress the world made with reducing single use plastic has been undone during this time! But then I remind myself there are bigger things to stress about…but yeah…I could (and should) not be lazy and do the most I can in the areas I am able to.

  4. Elise (Post author)

    Oooo, good to know. I like DKB so I’ll keep my eye out for that (or the WF kind whenever I can get there).

  5. Eveline

    This probably needs a little more research re environmental impact, but I always use baking paper when I roast/bake anything. I don’t use any oil and never have any problem with anything sticking (veggies, fish fillets, etc). Depending on what I make, I re-use the same sheet multiple times and then toss. Assuming baking paper is a better option than al foil it might be a good “meet in the middle” kind of option for you? No cleaning involved!

  6. Elise (Post author)

    I use that from time to time too – like you multiple times in a row provided it doesnt get too gross. I’m going to start using my silpat more again. It doesnt fit w most of my baking sheets, but it does fit with one of them.

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