Oh my gosh! I had different things for breakfast this week! Food ruts be gone?
I made another paleo loaf this week, which yielded one mini loaf and three muffins (because I don’t have the recommended size loaf pan for the actual recipe).
A completely different breakfast for me here – two fried eggs made into a omelet of sorts with spinach and goat’s milk brie folded inside. And half an avocado on the side.
And then my taste buds swung back in the sweet direction. 180 from the above, much? This pancake had way more sun butter on top than shown (and the second half of the banana went into my mouth during the cooking process).
Here’s one of the paleo bread muffins. Paired with an egg and avo. Standard.
Ran out of avo 🙁
I made vanilla muffins for P because we have a few birthday parties coming up and I thought it would be easier on the other moms if I just told them I’d bring a treat for my guy (rather than add stress to them in considering his allergies – which they all are doing anyway because they are super freakin awesome). So I made a few big ones and some mini ones since we had extra batter. I plan on frosting the ones I bring for the parties so they seem more special than the others which I’m just giving him as muffins for breakfast. They have virtually no sugar since they are sweetened with mashed banana, so it doesn’t even matter how many he eats or when he has them.
Anyway, I sampled one myself with a fried egg.
And one final pancake to finish off the week. Topped with sun butter and salt.
Are you so impressed with the diversity in my first meal of the day?! I was. Kyle, on the other hand, managed to make the coffee cake that I baked him on Sunday night last all week! So he had the same thing every day.

What is your pancake recipe?
i don’t really measure things but i keep meaning to because i know it’s blog worthy – i use one egg, and a few spoonfuls of coconut flour and almond flour, a dash of salt and baking powder. then i add coconut milk or water as needed to get the right batter consistency (because sometimes i add too much coconut flour which is like a sponge). theres no sweetener in it because i always top it with sweetened sun butter (or occasionally almond butter). hope that helps!
i’ve been making sunbutter in the vitamix. really easy and super cheap when a pound of sunflower seeds is $2
i should probably get on that considering how much we go through but it seems like i lost half of the butter when i made it in the vita. the food processor is probably what i should use from now on.