We just got back from an EPICALLY awesome vacation, but before I recap our adventures, I have to first touch on some of the fun we had during the week in between. Last I left off…we had returned from LA and were trying to get our lives back together…it was sunny for a second, which was AMAZING, but then it rained again for the rest of the week. Lame.

First off, Kyle had to head right back to LA for work…pretty sure he’s seen enough of the I-5 this year and it’s only just starting…

Before he left I got some prep done…I made pancakes for the week.

Juiced my fave citrus beet and greens blend (orange, grapefruit, carrot, beets and their greens, kale stems, and ginger).
Just in time for Monday’s CSA haul!
He was only gone for a few days, so we enjoyed some cucumbers while he was out of town.

I made my Greek chicken salad with the first tomatoes we could get our hands on.

V was the one who spotted them at the store actually…some big juicy looking heirlooms. I got the cucumber in our CSA.

I’ve been waiting and waiting to have an excuse to buy this. And treating myself to something fancy because Kyle was out of town was good enough.
I already had the dressing made so I just baked some chicken (plus an extra breast to have on hand for meals throughout the week) and threw it all together.

Salty heaven!
I am super excited that artichoke season is almost upon us. Marinated ones are delicious, but I look forward to fresh steamed ones all year! Kyle doesn’t like them much so we don’t get them nearly as often as I’d like, but since he’ll be gone for a bunch of Spring I plan on having them all the time.

Oh!! I almost forgot to discuss that meredith dairy farmstead sheep and goat cheese…WOW. JUST. WOW. It’s sooo rich and creamy. I mean, how else would you expect cubes of cheese soaked in olive oil to taste, right? It was crazy expensive, but lasted three meals, so I’d probably buy it again for another special occasion.

There was a cookie party celebrating the end of choir for P and we all picked a couple of cookies to bring home and enjoy after dinner…but then the kids forgot all about them. So I took care of them 😉

In reality, I had a bite of each one, then realized they weren’t that good and definitely not worth the stomach ache they would surely induce, so I popped them in the freezer for Kyle to enjoy when he returned (and then had some chuao chocolate instead).

From L to R: firecracker, sprinkle dreams, and dark chocolate covered walnuts.

I was rocking a pretty massive sugar high for the rest of the night, but it’s nothing a good night sleep (and bowl of kale) can’t fix.
Is there anything a bowl of kale can’t fix?
Yeah, yeah, yeah…everyone hates on kale because it’s soooo *healthy* and it’s fun to hate on healthy stuff. DON’T CARE. LOVE IT.

I’m doing me.

Another day, same thing.

And yet again.

Anddddd once more for the cheap seats in the back!

In case you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past two years, my beloved vegan winter salad has: kale massaged in balsamic vinaigrette, candied walnuts, roasted butternut squash, avocado, and dried cranberries. And it’s pretty divine.

Lucky for us all, Kyle got home a day early (!) meaning we were able to eat dinner as a family on his actual birthday.
I hadn’t been planning on making his requested meal that night because he was supposed to be out of town so it’s a GOOD FREAKIN THING the instant pot exists because he wanted short ribs with a cauli potato mash and roasted broccoli. Not that he is specific or anything…

We are a family of foodies.
I made nom nom paleo’s Korean short ribs for the I’ve-lost-count-th time.

And fortunately I have an extra instant pot insert, so I was able to cook the cauliflower and potatoes quickly as well!
I was a little surprised to discover my immersion blender had somehow died between it’s last use and this one, because it did absolutely nothing to puree this pot of potatoes whatsoever. ACK!
I ended up mashing it my hand, which was semi annoying but at least they were overcooked enough that it wasn’t too tough. Also, who cares if they are a little lumpy when you’re covering them with meat anyway.

He was super pleased with how his day ended, even if the first part was weird because he spent it driving hours by himself.

He even came home with presents for me!!!

Perks of the new gig: pounds and pounds of berries!
I washed, sliced and froze FOUR trays right away (I did one at a time, and after each one was all the way frozen I transferred it to a gallon bag).
Safe to say we have smoothies taken care of for 2019. 🙂

I also made chocolate chia pudding to pair with strawberries for Valley’s birthday breakfast.
What a treat!

I need to make this more often! It was such a hit and so easy. It had coconut milk, flax and chia seeds, maple syrup, and cocoa powder. That’s it!

Next up? Jam!

I stuck to freezer jam, because that’s what I feel most comfortable with, but this may just be the season that I build up the nerve to can some jams.
This was, however, the first time I’ve used pectin in quite a while. Usually I use chia seeds instead, but we were all out after the pudding breakfasts.
This is my mom’s recipe, but I cut the sugar tremendously and let it bubble away in the instant pot for over an hour so that it would reduce to a (naturally) sweet jam without the addition of any sweeteners.

I ended up with three and a half jars, which I’m very excited to try. We are just now finishing up a cherry rhubarb from last year, so all the strawberry jars went right into the freezer.

I will share more berry recipes as I make them…

I’m throwing them in salads and smoothies like crazy and yet, we still have so many!!
Valley brought a bunch to school as her birthday treat (not as hard of a sell as you’d think considering I was going to make her chocolate muffins, but 100% easier for me). And then we celebrated again at stroller strides with a fun craft and…yep, you guessed it…more strawberries!

I like this new start-up a lot. Solar was nice and all, but I’ll take strawberries over most everything else. Maybe they can build a robot to pick avocados next?????

I am so jealous of your strawberries that it physically **hurts** !!! Such perfect timing to have on hand for V’s bday celebrations :)) I’m totally freaked out by canning jam, but i’ve watched my mom do it ever summer since forever, and i’ve certainly eaten her jam for decades so it’s absolutely irrational. Also, I’m lazy and have plenty of freezer space and have never had excess great fruit on the east coast.
So funny that kyle was so specific for his bday dinner- and cauli potatoes?? Huh. Obviously you must do something magical with them.
I dunno…the cauli mash was fine and all, but I was a bit surprised by his request nonetheless. 😛