Here is another part of my unintended flashback series, in which I share random moments that I just uploaded from my phone’s photo album.
Kyle planned a surprise weekend for me, but because he knows that I hate surprises (translation: I like control), he shared the plan with me a few days before it all went down to make sure I wasn’t totally flipping out the entire time. He knows me so well. And we both had a fantastic time.

Here are some highlights…
We arrived around lunch time and went straight to the Ferry Building.
[My parents had come to Davis that morning to watch me coach P’s soccer team and took the kids back to the East Bay with them once the game was over. They took the kids to a Cal basketball game and spent the afternoon entertaining them so that Kyle and I could have an overnight in San Francisco.]

I got a salmon salad from some fish shop and a buttery croissant from Mariposa Bakery. They have THE BEST pastries. And they just happen to be gluten free.

I could have bought a dozen different things to bring home, but I knew we’d be back…
After that we went to check into our hotel.
We stayed at the Ritz, which was insanely fancy. Bonus: the view from our room looked out at our old apartment on California street! Technically it was Kyle’s apartment because I left for nursing school in Philly while he stayed in SF until he got transferred to NYC, but pot-ay-to/pot-ah-to.

First nespresso. Paired with an oatmeal raisin cookie from the Ritz lobby.

Kyle made a reservation 3 months out for this dinner date.
You see, Kokkari is significant for a couple of reasons. First, it’s the best ranked restaurant in the city so getting a reservation at a normal time isn’t a cake walk. Second (and way more importantly), it’s where we went out to eat with our families the night that we got engaged. <3

We shared everything, including the dolma special with labneh, the fried greek cheese, the lamb racklet, and the pork shoulder with potatoes.
It was all sublime.

And then we made our way back to the hotel for dessert.

We got to try out the hotel gym the next morning and then returned to the Ferry Building for breakfast.

I got the spanikopita from Mariposa and Kyle got a breakfast croissant-which from Brown Sugar Kitchen.

He said the portion was too small though and he was still hungry after. Bummer.
On the plus side, my spanakopita was SO good that I went back to get another to bring home.
After that we drove to the East Bay to meet up with everyone at my parents’ house.
We had lunch, watched football, and relaxed as the rest of my sisters and their families arrived.
My parents even unearthed my old Barbies.

For dinner we had tri-tip, sausage, roasted veggies and salad.

I am special today!

Followed by dessert, but we had to hit the road to get back to Davis, so we took a slice (or two, or three) with us for later.
Which I got to enjoy that night and then again on my actual birthday!
Rise and open presents!
My kids got me chocolate and my friends took me to coffee…it was a great start to 37.

I even got to enjoy the second spanakopita!
Finished off with a small gathering at farmer’s market. 🙂
Doesn’t get better than that!

What a beautiful way to celebrate your birthday!! Happy 37! Loved the flash back to your engagement story.