I was nervous the ratio of veggies in this juice would be off since I haven’t experimented too much with juices, but it turned out FAB! It had four beets, 2 carrots, and the stems from 2 bunches of kale. The beet flavor was thus the most dominant, but I happen to like the flavor of beets (which I think puts me in the minority of the Earth’s population), soooo…shrugging emoji?
Anyway, it was a much needed detox for my body after a rough couple of days. For some reason my GI system has been way out of whack on and off for the past…hmmm…I want to say month (!!) despite me not making any changes in my diet. Kyle’s been an angel as I wade through the frustrations of my dysfunctional body. I don’t know if I will bother writing any more about it in a future post since I have no theories. It just kind of spilled out now and seems a relatively pointless thing to detail more of later because it’ll just be me whining about how all food seems to make me gassy and bloated and crampy. So there you have it. Fun times. The beet juice didn’t upset my body though, so that’s a win.

Lunch was smoked salmon and the new super seedy Mary’s Gone crackers that I fell in love with last week. I was trying to see if leaving nuts out of my diet would help. But it didn’t. I felt so so after this. Not as terrible as I’ve been recently, but definitely not 100%. So weird.

My gut settled back down after some ginger tea though, so that’s an improvement for sure.

And since I knew nuts weren’t the culprit, I pan roasted cashews in olive oil. until they were niiiiice and bronzed and toasty.

The rest of dinner revolved around the veggies from my CSA box.

Since I had Napa cabbage and bok choy, I decided to do something Asian.

First step, make teriyaki sauce. I didn’t follow a recipe, but I’ve made it several times so I can kind of wing it and it turns out.

Half of it went onto the raw cabbage and carrots, and the other half was used to saute the bok choy and shrimp.

I made rice as the base for it all and then when dinner rolled around I just assembled everything.

I topped it in cashews and sesame seeds and then almost forgot the cilantro!

My CSA is really coming in handy in terms of keeping our diets packed with veggies, especially because my mind has been elsewhere…and coming up with a meal plan and grocery shopping seems so hard right now. It sounds ridiculous, but I haven’t been able to plan more than two days in advance ever since the kids went back to school. I was flying by the seat of my pants throughout the holiday break because there were so many parties and events and meal planning felt pointless, but now that our schedule is back to being more normal and predictable I should really get more organized.

In any event, I am glad to have freshly picked veggies on hand so at least the scatterbrained meals I’m throwing together are healthy.

Once positive thing I can say about this week was that my chocolate consumption was nice and balanced! I took a couple of days off just because I didn’t feel like it (!!) and then I enjoyed big plates with a variety of sweets the rest of the time.

If I weren’t always freezing I’d be much more likely to have kombucha on the late night, but my body core temp drops 5 degrees just thinking about a chilly fizzy drink. I swear I’m cold blooded because I want nothing more than to be buried under a pile of blankets for most of the day. The fact that I exercise outdoors in Winter is proof that my high from endorphins are real.