Beat box wrapping

When I get behind in blogging, I tend to get overwhelmed and as a result meals fall into the undocumented abyss.  Sometimes I’m able to catch up, but sometimes I have to simply cut my losses and move on.  I never want emptying my camera to feel like a chore, so I apologize.  To the yummy food that misses it’s moment in the spotlight – I’m sorry.  To you all for neglecting to share some mighty fine meals – I’m sorry.  Alas, such is life. 

Forward we go!


This weekend is already busy and it’s only just started (how does that happen?).  In lieu of recounting every nibble in detail, I’m going to stick to the basic wrap up.  Get it!?  Wrap up.  [pathetic pun]


Kyle gets all the credit for finding these Alvarado Street sprouted tortillas.  We divided up the grocery list and that’s what he came back with.  I didn’t even know Alvarado Street made tortillas!  The best part is they are BIG and the serving size is for an entire tortilla.  I hate hate hate when products list the nutritional stats for half a friggin pita/tortilla/whatever.  I knew that dinner would be including one of these bad boys. 


Roasted red pepper hummus base, tomato and avocado on the flanks…followed by the real kicker.


Steamed kale.  I’m in a massive kale phase right now.  Loving it every which way.

It was too stuffed, though, and wound up being a fork and knife kind of wrap.  I’m such a lady. 


On the side (but a separate plate) I had an avocado salad.  To be honest, it wasn’t so much an avocado salad…more like guacamole with some kale and tomatoes mixed in.  Plus lots of lime juice.  Lime juice and avocado are meant to be together forever and always.   


Baby carrots a la mode.

Post dinner Kyle and I watched our latest Netflix movie, Inception.  I have to say, Real Housewives obsession aside, I consider myself fairly intelligent; but trying to understand this movie was a real challenge.  We had to pause it multiple times to have brainstorming WTF sessions.  I have never felt so puzzled.  What happened to Leo’s simple film choices, a la Titanic?  You can be sure I’m staying far far away from Shutter Island


This morning, I had “cheesecake” for breakfast, and another wrap for lunch.


I’m turning into a wrapping pro.


Can I get a beat? 


Alvarado Street sprouted tortilla + roasted red pepper hummus + spinach + log seitan = YUM!


Sweet and tart pink lady on the side.

Time to get some shut eye before I start another night shift.  Vampire weekend here I come.

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Comments (19)

  1. kissmybroccoli

    I love the idea of adding steamed kale to a wrap! I’ve never thought of that before! I feel like you keep teasing me with the cheesecake porn pics! I want some!

    Hope you get a good nap in before work!

  2. Jan

    That all looks really good! As for Inception, I haven’t seen it — but my husband watched it the other night and sent it back to Netflix. However, he’s going to get it again! Because he thinks another time or two will help to understand!! NOT my kind of movie! I want stupid and mind-numbing — or something meaningful — not something where I have to THINK to figure out the plot or the meaning!

    And Andrea, my daughter, got REALLY lucky and ended up with a day shift in L&D! Phew!!

  3. *Andrea*

    so i fell asleep in teh theaters during inception (ironically had a dream) and could not for the life of me undertand that movie. however, shutter island is soooo good!!! you will not need to pause as much but reflect at the final scene definitely.

    your obsession with avocados makes me happy! i lurve guacamole

  4. Katie

    Yum, I’m looking for these wraps when I go to the grocery store tomorrow – I always forget about wraps as lunch options – thanks for the reminder.

    Also, I LOVED inception, but had to see it twice before I kind of understood it. 🙂

  5. lynn @ the actor's diet

    i hate it when a serving is 1/2 a wrap too!

  6. julie

    we’re total food twins right now because i’m in a MASSIVE kale phase like MASSIVE and i love that athenos hummus and some bastard at work actually stole the 3 pepper one from the fridge STOLE it.

    and also i saw inception last weekend and wanted to pull my brains out at the end.

  7. Erik Marcus

    I love your photo of your 5-ingredient kale wrap; I only wish tomatoes were better this time of year. I’ve got a big bunch of kale in my fridge now, so I may have to try this minus the tomatoes.

  8. Casey

    I so have to make that log seitan!
    Perfect for my limited fridge space in the apartment.
    I loved inception, but I also think it was necessary to see it with six other people and continue to discuss it during the movie and for the following two days. Yeah…took that long.

  9. Carissa

    All of the wrapes look so yummy! I love any wrap with hummus inside!

  10. movesnmunchies

    i LOVE wraps! im eating one right now ahahah… i got faux chicken, cinnamon, agave and almond butter all ina wrap.. ITS SO GOOD!

  11. Caitlin @ TPL

    Alright, I am fully avocado wrap inspired for lunch today, thanks for making that choice easy! You are a wrap star, let me know the tour dates!

  12. Jenna

    I was super confused during Inception too. My brain literally hurt from thinking so hard about what the heck was going on!

  13. rebecca lustig

    ohmygosh i’m going through a kale kick as well!! roasted to ‘chips’ or steamed into stiry fry or raw in salads… the texture and flavor is just so versatile and delish!

  14. Elizabeth @ RunWithSneakers

    Steamed kale in a wrap looks sooooo good! I have an abundance of red chard right now so I’m going to try your hummus, tomato, avocado wrap with some steamed red chard. Thanks for the idea.

  15. alexshealingbeauty

    Your wraps look delicious and so healthy!

  16. MarathonVal

    Sooo jealous that you get Alvaro St. bread, I don’t know why they don’t supply it to the Midwest. We need good food here too! 🙂

  17. carolinebee

    I loved inception!! But literally barely clicked for me until about an hour in….I’m sure i didn’t fully “get” it but whatevs 😀 Hope u survived the weekend love!

  18. Libby

    I hated Inception. It started out as an interesting concept but then it just turned into a mindless action flick. Then after all the fighting the whole story wrapped up abruptly with way too many unanswered questions…I felt like they ran out of ideas and just decided to end the movie. After all the hype I was expecting something great and it was lame! I gave it 2 stars on my Netflix queue.

  19. Christine (The Raw Project)

    No need to apologize for lack of blogging, life happens.

    The wrap looks wonderful, especially with steamed kale. And cheezecake makes a good breakfast – yum!

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