Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

economic recession, not so much!

Rise and shine, my Uncle Matt is in town. I woke up early-ish to get a few things done before the day got too far along. Actually, that’s a lie, Kyle got up early and dragged me out of bed with him. So I watched while he did laundry, made coffee, and went to the store for milk (oops, ran out last night curbing my hummus/bread late night fiesta). I’m so lucky to have such a fabulous boyfriend. I do my best to pull my weight, making him dinners on my days off, etc. but… Read more >

not just the same old salad

I woke up to rain and cloudy skies, so I just wanted to stay in my PJ’s all day long. Too bad for me, Kyle doesn’t feel the same way about what proper rainy day activities are. Fortunately the rain seemed to clear up in the afternoon, so we managed to salvage most of what we were planning for the day. Step 1: Caffeine, asap (bowling ball design).Step 2: More caffeine (cherry design)Step 3: Gym. I gymed it hard. I was struggling too, but I gotta get my butt in gear, so I pushed through…. Read more >

a day of waiting…

It’s an apple!!! Wow, I am talented! I have been practicing on my frothing technique, and this is the first design that really looks cool 🙂 I used mostly skim plus (1/3 cup) with just a touch of vanilla “creamer.” Today started off with a nice snooze. No complaints there. After yesterday’s neverending shift, I didn’t feel the least bit guilty for sleeping in. After my coffee (a new blend from starbucks…more details later) I hit up the gym and ran for 60 minutes. I was feeling really pumped since I took yesterday off from… Read more >

i hate prop 8

My last day of work for the week could not have arrived sooner – no joke, I was exhausted and my entire body was aching like a 90 year old geriatrics patient. I think I will need monthly massages just to keep myself walking! Anyways, the day started off bright and early with a Bruno’s coffee…which actually didn’t keep me alert enough at ALL. I was forced to do some non-vegan snacking just so I didn’t keel over at work. I’m not proud of what I did, but sometimes my stomach takes over…I stole a… Read more >


I had a hop in my step on my way to work, I guess that’s just the effect that our new Pres elect has! Moving on, work was non-stop. The unit is just filled with chronic patients, who are FULL loads. Ugh! I knew I should have enjoyed that dry spell over the summer…now it’s crazy crazy crazy!So, like a good girl I packed my lunch (see below). And then I forgot it when I left for work.So, I ordered a sandwich from Bruno’s instead. I got a bomb ass sandwich (and $$ at that)… Read more >