Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

A tofu kind of day

Okay, what I really should have called this post was a Gliding Calm kind of day…you’ll see why soon enough!  Hint: squash fries, tofu And now for some complaining… Yesterday evening the flurries started, but the temperature didn’t stay below freezing, so overnight it turned into rain.  Lemme tell ya, today was gross!  All day long it was POURING outside.  I can’t WAIT to get away from this snow/rain slush and laze about in the sunshine.  I can’t stand this nasty sleet for much longer.  Thank goodness it’s only 3 days until Cabo!!!!  Okay, whining… Read more >

Part of the cool kids club

Today was quite the experimental cooking day.  Lately, I’ve been salivating reading all my fellow bloggers’ delish recipes, not to mention jealous that I haven’t had time to sample the popular dishes on my own!  Desperate to join in on the action and give my own reviews, I grabbed my chef hat and decided to seize the day…  I don’t have Veganomicon, but if all goes well today, I may have to make a trip to Barnes & Noble.  I started cooking in the AM, pretty much right after I woke up.  Okay, actually I… Read more >


Hmmm… Should I be excited or scared.  Truvia (a Stevia derivative) has (finally) been FDA approved!  After reading all about big business and it’s influence on the FDA in Skinny Bitch, it’s hard not to take everything with a grain (or tbsp) of salt.

It must have been the gym

I’m pretty excited to be using Windows Live Writer since I’ve been hearing all about how amazing it is for the last few months.  Hopefully, I too, will have nothing but the highest praises for it.  Only time will tell.  But for now, I’ll stick to the day’s eats. I slept in, so the morning was already going well.  Then I had some coffee (Starbucks’ x-mas blend) with lactaid, while I enjoyed the first 2009 episode of The View.  Don’t hate on the guilty pleasures 🙂 Later I decided to give in to my stomach,… Read more >