Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Product reviews

I’m writing this while stuck on a plane, half way across the country, bored out of my mind since The Office and 30 Rock have already aired and Kyle’s preoccupied with the Celtics/Bulls game.  Why not blog about some of the latest products I’ve tried? I was a bit hesitant to try Raw Revolution’s Tropical Mango flavor, since my previous experience with the Chocolate Coconut was not so pleasant.  But I got over it (once I realized my presh odwallas and clifs were done-zo).  This bar was EVERYTHING short of spectacular.  In no way would… Read more >

Travel Thursday and Treats

Wahoooo!  Going home today 🙂 That’s right, I’m headed back to Nor Cal for another wedding.  I’m so excited to see my friends and my family, but MOST of all, to go look at wedding sites.  The last few weeks Kyle and I have been doing research AROUND THE CLOCK.  I think we have seen every single wedding site in Northern California…and still haven’t found THE ONE, although we have narrowed it down to about 10 or so.  Wine country, Lake Tahoe, East Bay, San Francisco…(??) God only knows at this point.   I did… Read more >

Kelly Bensimon is effing crazy

I don’t think I need to explain the above title if you wasted your morning the same way I did tuned into the Real Housewives of NY.  I was up at the crack of dawn thanks to a text message from Jess at 6 am.  Awesome.  Payback’s a bitch Jess, so prepare yourself for a 2 am drunk dial from the west coast this weekend… Needless to say I was jonesing for some caffeine shortly after. I messed the froth up on this one, but that’s what happens when you are brewing in the dark… Read more >

I’ve got B.O. (beets and okra)

Don’t worry I’m a clean hippie.  Showers are me time.  But wait ‘til you see my lovely dinner…it’s packed with salad newbies.  But first things first.  I have no idea why, but I woke up WAY freakin’ early.  On a non-work day, WTF!?  Anyways, I had a frothy mug of joe to get things rolling…followed by a strawberry chobz with diced strawberries on top. Mmmm…look at all that greek yogurt goodness.  I also had an apple while reading blogs and watching last night’s Gossip Girl and The Hills killing some brain cells.   After I… Read more >

salad challenge end

Rise and shine!  It’s coffee time.    I wasn’t as sore today as I thought I’d be…in fact, aside from my hammies and glutes I was feeling pretty great.  I still decided to milk it (why not), so I scheduled a post-race massage for this evening.  I broke the fast with a peach chobz, an apple, and dried pineapple rings while watching last night’s Brothers & Sisters and reading blogs.   I loved reading all your supportive comments regarding my race (and my struggle to push through the pain).  It meant a lot to me… Read more >