Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Recipes lately

I have a few recipes that I thought I should link to so you can make them too. Some are mine, some aren’t, but they are all delish. This granola is still our staple every day granola. If it aint broke… I made the maple dijon chicken from skinnytaste’s One and Done cookbook again (two weeks in a row means a recipe is a grand slam) and it was just as good the second time around. And since the oven was already on… I made heaps of roasted veggies for the week. Which has made… Read more >

When life gives you cabbage

Having a weekly CSA has been such a fun treat this Winter even if it means the collection of certain produce has gotten out of hand. I have FOUR spaghetti squash on the counter right now (some are so big that just one provides enough for 4-6 meals!). The other item we have in excess is cabbage. I’ve hemmed and hawed about making kimchi or sauerkraut, but I already have both in the fridge currently so it seems unnecessary. Luckily it stays fresh for a while when stored in the crisper drawer. The kids actually… Read more >

New juice, new job

It’s been a while since I last popped in and I feel like I need to tell you where all my time and energy has been going…but that would take too long. So instead, I’ll just say, February was F U L L and March is shaping up to be the same. BUT. I’m really really excited by the things I’m involved in…so much so that I’m not even sad that it’s pulling me away from HHH. It’s sad to say that out loud, but the truth is, I’m spread quite thin. Being on the… Read more >

One and not done

I made my own version of the cheesy broccoli soup in the Skinnytaste cookbook. It was okay, but I have a feeling my alterations made it slightly less indulgent than the original recipe. It was good nonetheless and the whole family finished it off, even though it was supposed to yield 6 servings. That’s par for the course with us though. The changes I made basically revolved around the dairy called for – I used goat cheddar and pecorino romano and nixed the milk for more broth. I also cooked it in the IP to… Read more >

Lunch break(down)

Well I finally had the breakdown we all knew was coming after last week…so now that that’s out of the way… Lunch trend! I prepped this so that my lunches would be taken care of and I legit had this days on end. Until I ran out of dressing and then had to make do with my vegan Winter salad instead. Avo and candied walnuts on a massaged bed of kale is mayyyybe the best plan B a girl could ask for. This salmon and sushi was an impulse purchase that happened in my very… Read more >