About Elise
I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet...
I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time.
Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.
Happy middle-of-the-week day (I don’t really like to associate “hump” with such a negative time). You know the drill. My pre-packed comida included: dried papaya chunks, oat bran pretzels & raisins, salad (with the works), apple pie Larabar, and peanut butter pretzel MoJo bar. Spinach, carrots, raw corn, black beans, and sweet potatoes. Love me some sweet p’s. They go with EVERYTHING…even things they shouldn’t go with, they do. I dare you to name something they don’t go with. Just to be clear though, I’m not saying I’ll try it… 😉 This was a good… Read more >
October 1, 2009
beans, chickpeas, dried mixed fruit, dried papaya, hummus, larabar, nooch, nuts, potatoes, quinoa, raw, tea, veggie burger
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This morning there was not enough coffee in the world. Sometimes late nights do that… Imagine this mug times 100. Ok, 3. For breakfast, I practiced my vampire bite with various pieces of fruit. Clearly I’m going through True Blood withdrawal… I also had some Smart Balance-i-fied toast. Had to finish up the Alvarado Street loaf to make way for my new Nature’s Pride loaves. (Fangs marks not included) As usual, on my day off I worked on re-stocking the kitchen/fridge for my work days. This included making: quinoa, chickpeas, black beans, steamed veggies in… Read more >
September 30, 2009
nooch, smoothie, soy milk, soy noodles, spinach salad, Stevia, tea, tofu, vegan parmesan cheese, veggie "cheese", WF tofu
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Coffee + fresh fruit + bridal mags = perfect rainy day morning I literally can’t get enough fruit lately. It’s practically all I crave (aside from hummus, I mean). Around the clock. Every hour, on the hour. Strawberries, pineapple, and apples – oh my! Which do you like more, my voracious apple-tite (#2 before 11 am), my cheesy desktop background photo, or my stunning steel colored nail polish? For me, it’s a toss up. Apples are simply THAT good, and judging by everyone’s comments on yesterday’s post, it sounds like I’m not the only… Read more >
September 29, 2009
big salad, carob chips, hummus, seitan, smoothie, spinach salad, tofu, tortilla wrap
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At some point I guess you just have to accept that you can’t catch up. For me, that day is today. Rather than go back to where I last left off (Friday’s eats), I am skipping ahead to the weekend’s eats. Trust me, you aren’t missing anything too epic…hummus and fruit, no doubt. You know what a packed lunch means… Work weekend 🙁 The snack deets: green monster superfood odwalla bar, peanut toffee buzz clif bar (holy EFFING yum – is this a new flavor, or have i just found the light?), the last of… Read more >
September 28, 2009
beans, big salad, Bruno's Ravioli, carob chips, chickpeas, clif bar, dried papaya, english muffins, ground "meat", hummus, nooch, odwalla bar, potatoes, raw, spinach salad, squash, Starbucks, tea, vegan parmesan cheese, veggie burger
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For the record, this is Thursday’s food (behind much?)…so forgive me if this is brief. My recollection of the day’s happs is a bit foggy. Nothing too complicated about this. Coffee with mega froth. I broke the fast with fresh melon and blueberry Chobz. Fruity, no? Pretty sure I gymed it up after breks. Nothing like working up a sweat to Little Miss Narcissism (aka She by Sheree). Seriously, WHO gets a life size portrait of their own bust? Those ATL b!tches will never cease to amaze me… I wanted some good old fashioned comfort… Read more >
September 27, 2009
falafel, greek yogurt, ground "meat", hummus, naan, pitas, pizza dough, quinoa, tofu, WF tofu
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