Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Made to order eats

Mail time!!!  Here’s what the post man dropped off last night…             [me] & goji                               YouBar I was waiting on the edge of my seat for these to arrive.  So naturally my packed work eats included some of my new goodies. Two apples (again), Breakfast Bar YouBar, dried pears/papaya, Honey Graham Z bar, Blueberry Crisp Clif bar, and a salad with the works (spinach, sweet potatoes, tomato slices, and carrots). OH MY CHOCO-HEAVEN!  The stats on this bar alone were reason enough to adore it…but the flavor!  Yum!  I literally couldn’t have been more pleased. … Read more >

Would Miss Manners serve house guests nooch?

Are you getting tired of me working so much?  I hope the packed lunches aren’t too boring, but whatcha gonna do, right?  Today’s lunch eats included tupperwared kale chips and a salad, DOS manzanas, a buncha bars (Clif’s Z bars and Odwalla repeats from yesterday), and dried papaya spears/pears. As I headed out on my lunch break today, I saw a pretty fantastic sight (these things tend to occur outside the Emergency Dept).   Picture a homeless Caucasian man (60-ish years old) in a wheelchair rocking a black baby back and forth, and bouncing it up… Read more >

Oven obsessed

I have literally been living at the office hospital.  And yet, somehow I have managed to churn out heaps of produce in the few hours I have been home.  Seriously, our apartment is where produce comes to die (death by baking anyone?).  Wanna see a few of my success stories (if you said no…well…tough sh!t).  😉 FINALLY!!  (I think kale chips have been on my to-make list for a year now).  It’s about damn time, Elise. Massaged with cooking spray, nooch, and salt (like, a LOT of salt), then baked at 350 for 10-15 minutes. … Read more >

(extra long) Sigh.

What a short lived break.  Having only one day off of work was such a tease.  So back to the hospital I went. The usual crew of lunchables: salad with a lot of greenery, roasted carrots with cranz, Spiced Pumpkin Pie Clif bar (why does this have to be seasonal, it’s SO good), PB cookie Larabar (best flavor, definitely, best flavor), TWO apples (not baby horse ones, these are the big bad boys), dried pineapple and pears. Foggy bag much?  By the way, I’m completely obsessed with roasting carrots into fries.  I could easily go… Read more >

Pizza, pizza, pizza. Who am I?

Lately I’ve been having such rando cravings, I feel like a preggo!  (Don’t worry Mom…) I had frozen pizza just the other day, and yet, the following TWO days I had pizza as well.  Seriously.  Who am I?  This is pretty odd considering pizza is not exactly a food I would typically associate with strong feelings of lust.  Growing up, it was never a food I especially craved.  As fun as pizza parties were, discovering I was lactose intolerant at such a young age severed any chance of forming the quintessential bond that most kids… Read more >