About Elise
I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet...
I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time.
Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.
Here’s the deal. I’ll be alone in NYC for Thanksgiving, while Kyle and the rest of my family and his will be on the West Coast. :( This sucks, but I am determined to make the most of it. So, rather than wallow in self pity (do you hear the violins?), I have decided to make my own solo T-giving celebration. Only mine will be a week long. That’s right, time is on my side. I may miss out on the crackling fire, doing puzzles with my sisters and cousins, and tossing the football in… Read more >
November 24, 2009
beans, clean food recipe
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Let’s see if I can piece my Saturday together… 2:30 Wake up check clock, go back to sleep 3:00 Wake up, check clock, go back to sleep 4:00 Wake up, check clock, go back to sleep 4:35 Wake up, check clock, go back to sleep 5:13 Alarm goes off…finally this wake up call is for real 5:14 Brush teeth and brush hair slick the afro back into a ponytail 5:20 Get dressed (my scrubs, undies, tank, socks and shoes are always neatly laid out on the chair in the living room so I don’t wake… Read more >
November 22, 2009
big salad, chickpeas, clean food recipe, clif bar, curry, dried mixed fruit, dried papaya, root veggies, spinach salad
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Mine was fabulous. Kyle may or may not kill me for posting that picture. But it’s worth it. I had to show you all how adorbz my beau is! Getting serenaded while eating an apple/cinnamon dessert on the late night – is there a better way to spend your Friday night? I think not. But back to the AM. Breakfast of champions indeed. I really tested my stomach’s expansion ability with this one. First of all that coffee mug was the size of my head (and I had 2 of ‘em filled to the brim),… Read more >
November 22, 2009
butternut squash, carob covered raisins, dried mixed fruit, hummus, nuts, oat bran, pumpkin, root veggies
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Fact: I could wash down dirt with foamy coffee and still be happy. Fact: Spending 15 minutes trying to fix a broken toaster can lead you to dark places. Good thing God invented peanut butter for such moments. Fiction: A microwave is just as good as a toaster anyways. Fact: Apples + cinnamon = the perfect fall snack Fiction: Taking a cross-town bus after coffee and fiber loading is a smart idea. Fact: Bathrooms aren’t abundant on the Upper East Side. Fact: In terms of pita pockets, there is no such thing as TOO stuffed…. Read more >
November 21, 2009
bbq, beans, chickpeas, english muffins, hummus, peanut butter, pitas, potatoes, veggie burger
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Apple, Blog, Coffee that is. As if my hospital-less days would start any other way… Hope you guys liked the froth tutorial. This alphabetical brekkie got me through a tivo-ed Gossip Girl episode (followed by a dance party in my PJs to Lady GaGa) and many many blogs, but eventually I needed a course two. A [me] & goji bowl of deliciousness filled (my tummy’s) void. Shortly after I digested, I threw on some clothes, got my hair did, beautified my face, and hit the road to get some errands done. Runway ready? FO SHO…. Read more >
November 20, 2009
butternut squash, cereal, hummus, kale, pitas, seaweed, veggie burger, WF fruit and nut bar, WF tofu
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