Author Archive: Elise

About Elise

I’m a nurse. An exercise lover. A whole foods connoisseur. A health enthusiast. And I have IBS. No need to cue the sappy violin music yet... I’ve found that eating a mostly plant-based diet has allowed me to continue to live and love life to the fullest. Although moderation isn’t something I do well, I’m 100% devoted to giving my body pure, wholesome, quality food. Nutritious and delicious, all the time. Hungry Hungry Hippie is a way for me to share my daily dealings with food, fitness, and everything in between.

Lunch at Fig & Olive

I consider myself a foodie, but my parents are foodies to the extreme, especially my dad.  So when money is no obstacle, you can betchur bottom dollar that I’m going to take advantage.  So what do I do when my parents are in town?  I turn to my Zagat’s top 20 list.  After a morning full of shows and shopping in midtown, we were ready for a lunch break, and so we found ourselves at Fig & Olive.  As you know, I’m always on board with Mediterranean food, and since I’d been eyeing this place… Read more >

Dinner at Blossom

As promised, here is a more thorough recap of the first dinner with my parents. I like taking non-vegans to Blossom because the menu is impressive for vegans and non-vegans alike.  They have interesting dishes that showcase a variety of non-meat “proteins” including seitan, tempeh, and tofu, as well as a few raw options and yet they aren’t presented in an ostentatious way.  I love when restaurants have diversity in their menus without an air of arrogance about them.  Unassuming and delicious.  It took no time for us all to find something on the menu… Read more >

Hippies Hijack Manhattan

My parents were in town this weekend! :D  They arrived Saturday in the wee early hours and left yesterday (Tuesday afternoon)…and although they were only here for four days (two of which I had to work 12 hour shifts) we still had so much fun.  I was definitely sad to see them go, but I feel pretty lucky that I was able to see them at all.  As I’m sure you’ve heard/read by now, the East Coast weather wasn’t so kind this weekend.  Saturday and Sunday were quite the snow-filled days, which were BEYOND brrrrr… Read more >

Tabla for Two

Kyle and I went to Tabla on Friday night and boy did we stuff ourselves!  Somehow we managed to order so much food we actually couldn’t even finish it all (that never happens when we dine out!).  We are the plate clearing kind of eaters 😉 I’ve we’ve been wanting to go here ever since we moved to NYC, and I’m so glad we finally made it!  When I made the reservation, I told them that I was vegan, and the waitress was so great to navigate the menu and guide me through my ordering. … Read more >

Work times 3

Doing three (12 hour) shifts in a row is my least fave thing to do.  I avoid it like the plague swine flu.  However, my parents are coming into town today (yipeeeeee!!!), so I had to get all my work out of the way so I could have the weekend off :)  It was an especially rough stretch because I only had one day off between my last weekend of chaos and this 72 hour stint.  No matter.  Ready for all my work lunches: Tuesday Salad, bars, Whole Foods’ spelt pretz, carrots, apples, and tea… Read more >